Emmer endorses Trump after speakership bid fiasco

Emmer endorses Trump after speakership bid fiasco

All top five House GOP leaders are now backing Donald Trump after Majority Whip Tom Emmer endorsed the ex-president who helped tank his speakership bid last year.

The Minnesota Republican, who has also served as the House GOP campaign chief, said in a statement Wednesday morning that he backed Trump — a day after Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) publicly endorsed the Republican presidential frontrunner. Speaker Mike Johnson announced he supported the former president shortly after the Louisianan was elected to lead the conference.

“Democrats have made clear they will use every tool in their arsenal to try to keep Joe Biden and his failed policies in power. We cannot let them,” Emmer said in a statement. “It’s time for Republicans to unite behind our party’s clear frontrunner, which is why I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President.”

Emmer’s endorsement is particularly notable compared to the rest of GOP leadership, however. Some of his Republican colleagues believe he’s been reluctant to embrace Trump, even before the ex-president personally worked to derail Emmer’s speakership bid after Kevin McCarthy was ousted in October. Trump dismissed Emmer’s bid on Truth Social, arguing the gavel-hopeful was “totally out-of-touch with Republican Voters” and a “Globalist RINO.” The former president also individually called House GOP members to express his disapprobation with Emmer.

Hours after the conference nominated him, Emmer dropped out of the race without taking his bid to a House floor vote.

The united backing of top House GOP leaders comes less than two weeks before the first real test of the Republican presidential primary, when Iowa caucuses gather on Jan. 15. Meanwhile, Trump’s support in the Senate stands in stark contrast to the other chamber, as the former president still has a frosty relationship with GOP leader Mitch McConnell.

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