Election Integrity Florida:  Defend Florida’s Raj Doraisamy Lays Out MASSIVE Voter Rolls and Canvassing Issues in Sunshine State!

Election Integrity Florida: Defend Florida’s Raj Doraisamy Lays Out MASSIVE Voter Rolls and Canvassing Issues in Sunshine State!

Election Integrity Florida: Defend Florida’s Raj Doraisamy Lays Out MASSIVE Voter Rolls and Canvassing Issues in Sunshine State!

During Mike Lindell’s “Moment of Truth” summit held last weekend in Missouri, DefendFlorida.org‘s Raj Doraisamy presented  findings for the Sunshine State.  President Trump won Florida in both 2016 and 2020.  You may remember Florida holding out until late at night on November 3, 2020 before calling the state, despite a 350,000+ vote lead with just the conservative dominate panhandle left to count (part of the panhandle is central time zone, one hour behind the rest of the state).  Florida remained uncalled with 94% of the vote counted and a 375,000 vote lead.  President Trump ended up winning Florida that night by almost double the margin of Barack Obama’s historic 2008 victory.

Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced a string of arrests around voter fraud and earlier this year signed an election integrity bill that would make ballot harvesting illegal in the state.  But it seems that without cleaning up the voter rolls, these efforts may not be enough.

The video from the Summit with Defend Florida can be viewed here


Highlights from DefendFlorida.org’s presentation:

  • Canvassed 32 of 67 counties, visiting 25,000 households and speaking with 14,000 registered voters
  • “Every State has a [voter roll] database and the fact that you can vote and your vote’s counted is because your name is on that database.  If your name’s not on the database and you try to put a ballot in, your ballot gets bounced…if the database is working the way it should be…if that database is compromised, everything from that point forward is toast.”
  • Of the 14,000 households that spoke with Defend Florida, 4,947 of registered voters did not live at that address (35%).  197 addresses were NOT residential addresses (1.4%).  And 430 were deceased (3%).
  • Defend Florida estimates in their report that there were 481,593 “Phantom Voters” by mail and 275,095 “Phantom Voters” in person (report is as of February 2022).
    • Based on Defend Florida’s above report, 31% of vote by mail ballots were “Phantom Voters”.  Defend Florida defines “Phantom Voters” as “A vote cast where the registered voter was deceased, did not live at the registered address, or where the registered address was not a residential address.”
  • Florida Supervisors of Elections “are allowing people to register with residential addresses that are Virtual Offices, UPS/USPS Postal boxes, Hotels, Marinas/RV Parks.  In the cases where Marinas and RV Parks are used as addresses, we discovered there are more people using these addresses than there are dock berths or camping sites.  The Supervisors of Elections are allowing these types of ‘addresses’”.


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Author: Brian Lupo