“Effective”? Latest CDC Data Shows FULLY Vaccinated Children Have Higher Covid Infection Rates Than Unvaccinated Children
“Effective”? Latest CDC Data Shows FULLY Vaccinated Children Have Higher Covid Infection Rates Than Unvaccinated Children

As the Biden Administration green-lights another experimental jab of mRNA for 5-11-year-olds, the latest CDC data reveals children of that age have a higher Covid infection rate than their unvaccinated peers. In other words, kids who are jabbed are more likely to catch Covid, which also means the vaccinated are spreading the virus more than the unvaccinated.
So, these kids must take their boosters… Must be that dang sCiEnCe again.
BREAKING: FDA Authorizes Pfizer Booster Shot for Children Ages 5 to 11 Years Old
According to the latest CDC data, children aged 5-11 have been contracting Covid at a higher rate if they have been fully vaccinated since February, which is the first time the agency recorded more vaccinated Covid cases than unvaccinated.
On Feb. 12, the CDC reported a weekly case rate among fully vaccinated children aged 5-11 of 250.02 per 100,000, compared to 245.82 among the unvaccinated children in the same age group.
Although the vaccines were billed as and promised to be ‘effective,’ they definitely aren’t living up to being anything close to it. Since February, the infection rate among vaccinated children remained higher through the third week of March, which is the latest available data published – and things are trending in the wrong direction.
As of March, the difference in the case rates has nearly doubled, with the most recent numbers showing a -11 gap (36.23 per 100,000 [vaxxed] / 26.98 per 100,000[unvaxxed]).
The breakdown of the case rate for 5-11-year-olds between Feb. and Mar. is as follows:
February 19: 136.61 per 100,000 [vaxxed] / 120.63 per 100,000[unvaxxed]
February 26: 71.81 per 100,000 [vaxxed] / 61.52 per 100,000[unvaxxed]
March 5: 56.67 per 100,000 [vaxxed] / 40.61 per 100,000[unvaxxed]
March 12: 42.56 per 100,000 [vaxxed] / 28.75 per 100,000[unvaxxed]
March 19: 36.23 per 100,000 [vaxxed] / 26.98 per 100,000[unvaxxed]
The Biden Administration and the FDA authorized the experimental vaccine for children in this age group in November of 2021. In just three short months, enough children had become vaccinated and the case rate flipped. Any protection the jab provided quickly wore off, making the fully vaccinated children more susceptible to and more likely to spread the virus than the unvaccinated.
In all, there are over 28 million children aged 5-11 in the United States. Unfortunately, a whopping ~8 million of them (or 28.8%) have been fully vaccinated already, according to the Mayo Clinic. Not only is the virus proven to be effectively non-lethal for children, especially ones of this young age (99.995% or higher recovery rate), but the experimental vaccine has proven to have negative effectiveness – aka higher infection rate – across multiple age groups.
In addition to the poor results, the mRNA vaccine has been directly linked to serious and life-threatening side effects that have become prevalent in the wake of its rollout. Most concerningly of which – myocarditis – is popping up at an unprecedented rate in otherwise healthy children and young people all across the world. According to heart experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, who is the most published Cardiologist in the world, “an extraordinary number of young individuals that are going to have permanent heart damage” because of this experimental jab.
Keep in mind, Fauci, Biden, and the rest of the tyrannical public health bureaucracy just Ok’d boosters for 5-11-year-olds. Considering everything that’s publicly available, let alone what the federal government has compiled, this is beyond criminal. How much more data is needed to pull these shots off the market?
Meanwhile, Pfizer is cashing in at a tune of $1,000 per second. Those Fed kickbacks are coming in hot.
The post “Effective”? Latest CDC Data Shows FULLY Vaccinated Children Have Higher Covid Infection Rates Than Unvaccinated Children appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Julian Conradson