Don’t Hold Your Breath – Durham Issues 30 Court Subpoenas in Igor Danchenko Trial

Don’t Hold Your Breath – Durham Issues 30 Court Subpoenas in Igor Danchenko Trial

Don’t Hold Your Breath – Durham Issues 30 Court Subpoenas in Igor Danchenko Trial

Don’t hold your breath.  We’ve seen this before.  John Durham today issued 30 subpoenas in the Igor Danchenko trial. 

A good prosecutor could have walked in the door and made arrests on day one based on what was in the public realm related to the attempted coup of President Trump labeled the Mueller investigation.  But here we are years later and nothing.

The Washington Examiner reported today:

Special counsel John Durham requested a federal court to issue 30 subpoenas for testimony in the trial against Igor Danchenko, British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s alleged main source for his discredited dossier.

Danchenko was charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI, which Durham says he made about the information he provided to Steele for the dossier. His trial is scheduled for October. The DOJ’s watchdog said FBI interviews with Danchenko “raised significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting” and concluded Danchenko “contradicted the allegations of a ‘well-developed conspiracy’ in” Steele’s dossier. He has pleaded not guilty.

Durham’s brief court filing on Wednesday requested the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia to issue “thirty subpoenas” for an “appearance before said Court at Alexandria, Virginia,” starting on Oct. 11 “to testify on behalf of the United States.” The potential witnesses are not named, but a copy of the blank subpoena reads that “YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear.”

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and the corrupt government deep state establishment all wanted President Trump removed from office.  They thought he had no business being there.  They were the owners of the US government not the citizens of the United States.  So they set about multiple schemes to entrap the President and have him removed from office.   Nothing was more disgusting that the Russia collusion lie that was created by the Hillary gang.

Hillary and Obama went on the offense with corrupt government workers like Andrew Weissmann, Jim Comey, and Peter Strzok.  Their plan was to attack the President using their media, the legal system, and deep state and prevent him from looking into their many crimes.  Obama had no regard for the US or its laws and showed this throughout his presidency.  Today’s administration is a continuation of Obama’s America-destroying policies.

Americans saw what was happening to President Trump and rallied around him.  It was Americans who saved Trump and our massive base of supporters who wouldn’t buy the BS behind the Trump Russia sham.

Unfortunately, Durham has been a disgraceful disappointment.  He only comes out when the Deep State wants Americans to believe that there is a justice department.  We know from the Mueller exam, Hillary and Obama crimes that were ignored, the Epstein murder that was called suicide, and the 2020 Election steal, that there is no justice department in the US today.  Ask any Jan 6 political prisoner who sits in solitary confinement in the DC gulag for walking in the Capitol and they’ll prove to you justice is dead in the US.

Odds are this round of Durham activities will end up like all the rest and justice will be damned again. 

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Author: Joe Hoft