
Donald Trump Wins Endorsement of International Union of Police Associations for 2024

Donald Trump Wins Endorsement of International Union of Police Associations for 2024

The International Union of Police Associations has endorsed Trump for the 2024 election.

In addition to illegal immigration and the economy, crime is going to play a major role in the election, so this endorsement means something.

Americans are tired of the ongoing breakdown of law and order in the United States and the progressives who are enabling it.

Breitbart News reports:

Trump Scores Endorsement from International Union of Police Associations

The International Union of Police Associations (IUPA) endorsed former President Donald Trump in his White House bid on Tuesday, as polling shows crime is a top issue to the American electorate.

In a press release, IUPA President Sam Cabral announced that the organization’s executive board of directors unanimously endorsed Trump.

“President Trump’s history of support for the men and women of Law Enforcement is unmatched. His policies and actions were directed at improving safety in our communities and the men and women who provide that shield,” the release stated, adding that the 45th president “earned and deserves” the IUPA’s “wholehearted support.”

The organization, first chartered in 1979, went on to call out aspects of Democrats’ “doctrine” that have had “tragic” impacts on communities:

Much of the Democrat’s doctrine supports defunding the police; favors sanctuary cities, open borders, and reduced accountability for criminal behavior. The tragic result is apparent in those cities who have embraced these policies — the unfortunate forced businesses closures and plight that followed. Roving gangs are terrorizing retail businesses, raiding them with absolute impunity, akin to a thousand year past — regressive rather than their own progressive ideology. They have not dealt with the consequences of their own failed strategies, while we have all suffered.

The choice is so clear.

Trump deserves this endorsement. Our men and women in blue know who has their back.

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Author: Mike LaChance