Disgusting: Nasty Far-Left Code Pink Radicals Sneak Into Synagogue Pretending to be Congregants, Harrass Jewish CNN Anchor Dana Bash (Video)
Disgusting: Nasty Far-Left Code Pink Radicals Sneak Into Synagogue Pretending to be Congregants, Harrass Jewish CNN Anchor Dana Bash (Video)

CNN’s Dana Bash recently got an up close and personal experience with the disgusting tactics of the nasty far-left radicals in Code Pink, a group embraced by Democrats.
The Hamas cheerleaders confronted Bash in a synagogue after entering the holy place pretending to be congregants.
“Hi. My name is Liz (unintelligible). I’m a member of this community,” the woman said. “I want to tell you that I’m really upset at what I perceive to be the contemplation of anti-Semite violence. This is not true. That is very anti-Semitic and very dangerous to our Jewish community and our Jewish values. When you do that, I just don’t know if you understand that you are being a mouthpiece for the genocide in Gaza. That is wrong. Genocide is the most anti-Semitic thing out there.”
She pulled out her phone and shared a photo, “This woman is 90 years old. She’s a Holocaust survivor. She stands outside the White House every single day because she lost people in the Holocaust, and she’s aware that what is going on now is a Holocaust. Do you have an answer for me? I’d really like to know.”
Bash responded, “I’m not here to debate. I will just say one thing. Being anti-Israel, anti-Israeli government is not anti-Semitic.”
The pinko continued, “Okay. Well, that’s what the protests are about on campus. You cited them several times.”
Bash responded, “I have been to those protests. Have you been to the ones at my house where they call me Zionist trash and call for the Antifada against me?”
“Okay. I’m not going to single out the extremists. You talked about the protests on campus,” Liz continued.
“Those are extremists,” Bash stressed.
The two continued the argument, and Bash pressed the protestor on the genocidal chant favored by anti-Israel protesters, ” What I am talking about are when people say ‘from the river to the sea,’ they want to do away with the state of Israel. When they come to my house and go to other places..”
BREAKING: China-funded CodePink entered a synagogue pretending to be congregants, stood on the Bhima, and began harassing Jewish CNN anchor Dana Bash.
Ironically, they tell Dana Bash anti-Zionism doesn’t equal antisemitism while harassing her inside of a synagogue. pic.twitter.com/p3fgRUQSLR
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) November 15, 2024
Bash responded to the disgusting display on X, saying, “You came to a place of Jewish worship, stood on the Bhima near the holy Torah scroll, and pretended to be congregants.”
“You have no shame, no decency, and no clue what you’re talking about.”
You came to a place of Jewish worship, stood on the Bhima, near the holy Torah scroll, and pretended to be congregants.
You have no shame, no decency, and no clue what you’re talking about. https://t.co/PdqzcMjP4b— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) November 15, 2024
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Author: Margaret Flavin