Desperate Left-Wing Media Outlet Posts Pictures of ‘Trump’s Toilet’ to Prove President Was Flushing Oval Office Documents

Desperate Left-Wing Media Outlet Posts Pictures of ‘Trump’s Toilet’ to Prove President Was Flushing Oval Office Documents

Desperate Left-Wing Media Outlet Posts Pictures of ‘Trump’s Toilet’ to Prove President Was Flushing Oval Office Documents

New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman is using pictures of toilet bowls to promote her new anti-Trump book.

Liberal reporters are so desperate to pin any crime on Trump (and sell books) that they are now posting pictures of a toilets used by Trump to prove he flushed Oval Office documents.

Recall, NY Times reporter Maggie Haberman earlier this year claimed Trump was destroying documents by flushing the records down a toilet.

“Here’s some reporting from the book’s later years – White House residence staff periodically found papers had clogged a toilet, leaving staff believing Trump had flushed material he’d ripped into pieces” Maggie Haberman tweeted in February referencing her new book.

Trump denied he flushed the documents and called Maggie Haberman’s reporting ‘fake news’ to Fox & Friends co-host Will Cain in February.

“Yeah it’s fake news and she’s a fake writer. She got a Pulitzer Prize for Russia, Russia, Russia, and then they found out it was a hoax. And so did others. Frankly the ones that get Pulitzer Prizes they happen to work around you and around Pete. And I will tell you, it’s a disgrace. But, no, it’s a totally false story,” Trump said according to Mediaite.

“She made it up. I don’t believe they have sources. Who is going to be a source for that anyway? Who would know that? There is no source. They make it up. You know, they oftentimes, these fake writers like her, they act like they know me like she knows me. I haven’t spoken to her in a very, very long time. She knows me no better than any other writer. They write books like they know and then they make things like that up. There would be no way of her knowing if it were the fact,” Trump said.

Maggie Haberman provided the photos of the so-called toilets to Axios’ Mike Allen – and he used the photos to promote Haberman’s new book.

It’s all about selling books.

Axios reported:

Remember our toilet scoop in Axios AM earlier this year? Maggie Haberman’s forthcoming book about former President Trump will report that White House residence staff periodically found wads of paper clogging a toilet — and believed the former president, a notorious destroyer of Oval Office documents, was the flusher.

Why it matters: Destroying records that should be preserved is potentially illegal.

Trump denied it and called Haberman, whose New York Times coverage he follows compulsively, a “maggot.”

  • Well, it turns out there are photos. And here they are, published for the first time.

Haberman — who obtained the photos recently — shared them with us ahead of the Oct. 4 publication of her book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.”

  • A Trump White House source tells her the photo on the left shows a commode in the White House.
  • The photo on the right is from an overseas trip, according to the source.

Trump’s spox Taylor Budowich blasted Maggie Haberman.

“You have to be pretty desperate to sell books if pictures of paper in a toilet bowl is part of your promotional plan,” Budowich told Axios. “We know … there’s enough people willing to fabricate stories like this in order to impress the media class — a media class who is willing to run with anything, as long as it anti-Trump.”

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Author: Cristina Laila