COVER-UP: Biden Tax Returns Disappear From Campaign Website for Years Hunter Claimed He Lived at Joe’s Delaware Home

COVER-UP: Biden Tax Returns Disappear From Campaign Website for Years Hunter Claimed He Lived at Joe’s Delaware Home

COVER-UP: Biden Tax Returns Disappear From Campaign Website for Years Hunter Claimed He Lived at Joe’s Delaware Home

Tucker Carlson reported Monday night that tax returns for the years 2016-2018 have disappeared from Joe Biden’s campaign website’s financial disclosure page at Joe .

Those years cover the same timeframe that first son Hunter claimed on a background check report to allegedly have paid nearly $50,000 per month rent to stay at father Joe’s Wilmington, Delaware home where illicit classified documents were found in December 2022 and last week. (Note added at end to reflect headline edit: Rent claim is in question)

The link for Biden’s tax returns for 2019 for federal, Delaware and Virginia is still active. All the others redirect to a Democrat donation page.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris proudly displayed their tax filings on the webpage.

Links to their tax filings were posted on the financial disclosure webpage in July 2019.

The original list of tax filings included filings from 2016, 2017, and 2018:

OGE Form 278e
2016 Delaware
2016 Federal
2017 Delaware
2017 Federal
2018 Delaware
2018 Federal

In January 2022 the financial disclosure webpage included the additional filings from 2019 and Senator Harris’s forms from 2019.


The financial disclosure webpage still had these tax documents publicly displayed on July 17, 2022.

But on July 18, 2022 the financial disclosure and tax returns page was altered.

Starting on July 18, 2022, the webpage linked to a donation page.

The Biden tax filings are no longer available for public viewing.

The link for Kamala Harris’ 2019 tax returns is also still active.

In contrast, clicking on this link at the same page redirects to ActBlue the Democrat Party’s donation page.  ( redirects to this URL:, as do the other now-busted Biden tax return links.)

Tucker Carlson opened his show with this on Monday night.

The change was noticed two days ago on January 14 as the Hunter Biden rent claim went viral.

Detail on taxes noted Sunday after noon by Wendell Husebo:

The discrepancy in what Hunter claimed he paid to what Joe claimed he received for rental income is noted in this side-by-side document comparison:

Former 2016 Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski notes Biden claimed no rental income in 2018.

This Twitter thread on Sunday noted the disappearance of Biden’s tax returns:

Copies of the now-you-see-them, now-you-don’t Biden tax returns are archived.

The Hunter document first surfaced on Thursday.

Will any White House reporter call out the lack of transparency?

Note: Citizen Free Press calls into question the idea that the $50K rental was for the Biden home and cites this tweet.

The post COVER-UP: Biden Tax Returns Disappear From Campaign Website for Years Hunter Claimed He Lived at Joe’s Delaware Home appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Kristinn Taylor