Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre Who Was Asked by Former Arizona Attorney General to Investigate and Prosecute Katie Hobbs on Felony Charges Pled Guilty to EXTREME DUI Earlier This Year

Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre Who Was Asked by Former Arizona Attorney General to Investigate and Prosecute Katie Hobbs on Felony Charges Pled Guilty to EXTREME DUI Earlier This Year

Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre Who Was Asked by Former Arizona Attorney General to Investigate and Prosecute Katie Hobbs on Felony Charges Pled Guilty to EXTREME DUI Earlier This Year

Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre Arrested on Extreme DUI Charges

Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre was arrested earlier this year and pled guilty to Extreme DUI with a blood alcohol content of .2, over twice the legal limit, when he was pulled over and arrested.

Remember, in March 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported that former Attorney General Mark Brnovich delegated his powers to Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre to enforce criminal action against former Secretary of State Katie Hobbs for shutting down the online candidate petition portal and intentionally violating the law.

Arizona is a zero-tolerance state for DUIs. He should have known better.

Over one year later, the investigation into Hobbs is still ongoing. As The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday, now-questionably elected Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is reportedly still under criminal investigation by the illegitimate Arizona Attorney General, Kris Mayes.

This stems from an investigation by former Attorney General Mark Brnovich into Hobbs for illegally shutting down the E-Qual candidate petition portal and disenfranchising Primary Election candidates.

But now, the illegitimate Attorney General, who was fraudulently installed by Katie Hobbs, is allegedly investigating Katie Hobbs’ criminal election interference.


Kris Mayes was installed by 280 votes after a recount of votes in rural Pinal County found hundreds of votes were wrongfully discarded.

However, The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Hobbs’ and her lawyers delayed the recount results, which found hundreds of new votes for Abe Hamadeh, from being presented in court before Abe’s lawsuit against Hobbs and Kris Mayes was dismissed. They knew the recount results were flawed and hid it from the judge.

It is unclear whether County Attorney McIntyre, a so-called Republican, ever took the incomplete investigation seriously, to begin with. Perhaps he was too weak to enforce the law.

But now, Arizona has a sham investigation led by an illegitimate regime, and if McIntyre is still involved, a totally unserious County Attorney.

KGUN9 reported in February,

COCHISE COUNTY, Ariz. (KGUN) — Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre appeared before a judge this week, entering into a guilty plea for Extreme DUI, a category of DUI that applies to blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.15 or higher.

McIntyre’s BAC was documented at .2% at the time of his arrest. The legal limit in the state of Arizona is .08%

According to documents from the Cochise County Justice Court, McIntyre’s plea agreement includes:

  • Ten days in the Cochise County Jail, with nine of those days suspended once McIntyre completes an alcohol/substance abuse screening, education and/or treatment
  • Fines totaling $1305, including a potential single-day jail cost
  • One year unsupervised probation
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device once his driving privileges are restored.

Court documents show McIntyre’s sentencing review hearing is currently scheduled for August.

Sierra Vista Police released body footage of McIntyre’s arrest.

McIntyre confirmed in a statement after his arrest that he intends to remain in office.

Following his arrest, McIntyre released the following statement:

In the last eight years that I have served as County Attorney, this office has accomplished many things. There remains much more to accomplish, and new programs and services were already in the process of being developed and implemented before the poor choices leading to my arrest on January 28th.

I regret that those choices cloud the great work of the many professionals with whom I have the joy of working, some for my entire 18 years. The misdemeanor charge pending against me does not present a legal impediment to my remaining the Cochise County Attorney. The question I struggled with personally was whether it presented a moral impediment.

After consulting with my team, my external support group, and receiving substantial input both positive and negative from the community, I have determined that I will remain in office to carry out the duties I was elected to perform.

My resignation would result in an appointment process determined exclusively by the Board of Supervisors and leave complete uncertainty as to the future policies, goals, and objectives of this office. I respect and acknowledge the substantial criticism this decision may bring. I also appreciate the support I have received thus far from the community.

I regret that my incredibly poor choices further tarnished the perception of those who hold the highest positions of power. While I deal, personally, with the consequences of those choices, I recommit myself to this community that professionally, I will continue the fight to make Cochise County the greatest of places to live and will prove that commitment through the daily efforts of this office.

This guy failed to do his job last year with enforcing the law against criminal Katie Hobbs, and he should immediately resign from office for this embarrassing incident.

Contact Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre and the Arizona Attorney General’s office to demand Katie Hobbs’ indictment and McIntyre’s resignation.

Contact Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre

The post Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre Who Was Asked by Former Arizona Attorney General to Investigate and Prosecute Katie Hobbs on Felony Charges Pled Guilty to EXTREME DUI Earlier This Year appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jordan Conradson