Chuck Todd: New NBC Poll “Red Flag For the Democrats” Ahead of Midterms – 71% of Americans Say US is on the “Wrong Track” (VIDEO)

Chuck Todd: New NBC Poll “Red Flag For the Democrats” Ahead of Midterms – 71% of Americans Say US is on the “Wrong Track” (VIDEO)

Chuck Todd: New NBC Poll “Red Flag For the Democrats” Ahead of Midterms – 71% of Americans Say US is on the “Wrong Track” (VIDEO)

“Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd highlighted a new NBC poll on Sunday

After two years of Democrats in Control of Congress and the White House, Americans want change.

Joe Biden and the Democrats own the inflation crisis.

“We’ve got some all-time midterm highs that should serve as red flags for the Democrats,” Chuck Todd said.

  • 71% of Americans say we are on the wrong track.
  • 57% of Americans disapprove of Joe Biden on the economy.
  • 50% of Americans say the economy will get worse.


Excerpt from NBC poll:

Seventy-one percent of voters say the country is headed in the wrong direction, compared with 20% who say it’s on the right track.

It’s the sixth time in the last seven NBC News polls that the wrong track answer has been higher than 70%.

“These are really difficult numbers for Democrats, and they have had them for months,” said McInturff, the Republican pollster.

And 20% say the economy will get better over the next year and 26% say it will stay about the same, while 50% say it will get worse — the highest number on the question dating to 1994.


The poll also found 70% of all registered voters expressing high interest in the election — either a “9” or a “10” on a 10-point scale — the highest percentage ever in the survey for a midterm election at this point.

“It’s an eye-popper” when you have a higher number now than in 2018, which set a turnout record for a midterm election, said McInturff, the GOP pollster.

By party, however, 78% of Republicans have high interest in the midterms, compared with 69% of Democrats.

The 9-point GOP enthusiasm edge is up from September (when it was plus-3) and August (when it was plus-2).

The post Chuck Todd: New NBC Poll “Red Flag For the Democrats” Ahead of Midterms – 71% of Americans Say US is on the “Wrong Track” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila