WAYNE ROOT: Thank You Democrats. You Just Made Trump the Biggest Martyr in History. Next, Trump Should Announce for President Today. Now. This Second. Stick It Right in Democrats’ Face.
WAYNE ROOT: Thank You Democrats. You Just Made Trump the Biggest Martyr in History. Next, Trump Should Announce for President Today. Now. This Second. Stick It Right in Democrats’ Face. By Wayne Allyn Root This wasn’t about any crime. There was no crime. This is about one thing: stopping Trump from running again. Because…

And, There It Is… Nancy Pelosi: “China Is one of the Freest Societies in the World” (Video)
And, There It Is… Nancy Pelosi: “China Is one of the Freest Societies in the World” (Video) And there it is. The Democrat leader is now openly promoting communism. We all knew this day would come. Nancy Pelosi promoted communist China on the Today Show on Tuesday morning. Pelosi insisted that China is one of…

The United States Government Behaving Like a Third World Despot
The United States Government Behaving Like a Third World Despot Nice precedent Joe Biden. Way to go Attorney General Merrick Garland. You guys, along with your sycophants, are transforming America from Reagan’s City of Light on a Hill into a Third World autocracy. Murderers, rapists, and pedophiles get the kid glove treatment while supporters of…

Joe Biden Unleashes Machine Gun-Toting Agent on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence
Joe Biden Unleashes Machine Gun-Toting Agent on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence photo courtesy of Radar Online An agent with a machine gun was photographed outside of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence Monday night. President Trump’s home Mar-a-Lago was RAIDED BY THE FBI Monday night. The FBI agents cracked open Trump’s safe. Trump was not at his Mar-a-Lago residence at the…

“This Is Not About Trump – This is About You and Me” – Dr. Gina Loudon of Real America’s Voice Provides Comment on FBI Raids on Mar-a-Lago
“This Is Not About Trump – This is About You and Me” – Dr. Gina Loudon of Real America’s Voice Provides Comment on FBI Raids on Mar-a-Lago Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft provided updates on the situation outside Mar-a-Lago on Monday night. The stasi-FBI raided the former president’s home looking for a crime. Trump patriots are…

Bernie Kerik: “If FBI Raid Will Not Stop Donald Trump – Their Next Step Will Be Assassination” (VIDEO)
Bernie Kerik: “If FBI Raid Will Not Stop Donald Trump – Their Next Step Will Be Assassination” (VIDEO) President Trump’s home Mar-a-Lago was RAIDED BY THE FBI on Monday night. President Trump released a statement moments ago. “Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before,” President Trump said in…

Eric Trump Says Safe Cracked Open By FBI Was Empty (VIDEO)
Eric Trump Says Safe Cracked Open By FBI Was Empty (VIDEO) Donald Trump’s son Eric joined Sean Hannity Monday evening to discuss the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. More than 3 dozen federal agents descended on Trump’s Florida residence on Monday. An agent with a machine gun was photographed outside of Trump’s compound. President Trump was…

History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia – Their Final Assault on America Begins… Tonight
History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia – Their Final Assault on America Begins… Tonight Once again we are republishing this analysis by John L Kachelman, Jr. We first published this piece back in October 2020 before the election. 2020 the “Perfect Storm” facing our Republic— All three…