HISTORIC HUMILIATION: Trump-Endorsed Candidates Sweep Establishment GOP Picks as Grassroots Rise Up…Win Against All Odds

HISTORIC HUMILIATION: Trump-Endorsed Candidates Sweep Establishment GOP Picks as Grassroots Rise Up…Win Against All Odds

100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – In what can only be described as a historic election, MI GOP delegates wiped out decades of establishment rule yesterday at the GOP State Convention with their votes to elect Trump-endorsed election integrity candidates Kristina Karamo for Secretary of State and Constitutional Attorney Matt DePerno for Attorney General as their…

Coptic Christians Kicked and Beaten in Italy by Muslim Mob for Smoking During Ramadan

Coptic Christians Kicked and Beaten in Italy by Muslim Mob for Smoking During Ramadan

Two Coptic Christian men were kicked and beaten in Turin, Italy for smoking during Ramadan. The two elderly men, 62 and 70, were standing in the Corso Vigenano smoking when they were attacked by angry Muslims in the street. The Coptic brothers were wearing Christian crosses around their necks. La Reppublica reported (translated) They were…

New Poll Finds Kamala Harris’s Approval Rating Is 18 Points Lower Than Joe Biden’s

New Poll Finds Kamala Harris’s Approval Rating Is 18 Points Lower Than Joe Biden’s

Joe Biden’s approval rating is terrible but Kamala Harrs’s is even worse, if you can believe it. A new poll has found that her approval number is a whopping 18 points lower than her boss. This puts Democrats in an impossible position in 2024. Even if they somehow manage to keep Biden from running, Harris…

BREAKING: SECOND EXCLUSIVE TRAILER Released for “2000 Mules” — Shows How the 2020 Election Was RIGGED AND STOLEN — VIDEO

BREAKING: SECOND EXCLUSIVE TRAILER Released for “2000 Mules” — Shows How the 2020 Election Was RIGGED AND STOLEN — VIDEO

2000 Mules is a documentary film created by Dinesh D’Souza.  The film exposes the True the Vote’s video evidence of a coordinated, funded, illegal ballot trafficking network across critical swing states during the 2020 election. ** SPREAD THE WORD — THEY GOT CAUGHT! “They thought we’d never find out. They were wrong.” Dinesh D’Sousa released…

JUST IN: Former GOP Senator Orrin Hatch Dead at 88

JUST IN: Former GOP Senator Orrin Hatch Dead at 88

Former Utah Senator Orrin Hatch passed away on Saturday at the age of 88. Orrin Hatch was the longest serving Republican senator in US history. His foundation announced the death, however they did not disclose a cause. “He exemplified a generation of lawmakers brought up on the principles of comity and compromise, and he embodied…

STEVE BANNON Delivers Warning to Kevin McCarthy: “He Either Heaves on a Full MAGA Agenda or He’s Gone” (VIDEO)

STEVE BANNON Delivers Warning to Kevin McCarthy: “He Either Heaves on a Full MAGA Agenda or He’s Gone” (VIDEO)

On Thursday The New York Times investigative reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns released passages from their latest book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future.” In the book the two claimed that GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy told Liz Cheney on a January 10, 2021 call that he would…

PETA Orchestrates Superglue Stunt At Starbucks In Revenge For Seducing Climate Activists Into Buying Dairy Products

PETA Orchestrates Superglue Stunt At Starbucks In Revenge For Seducing Climate Activists Into Buying Dairy Products

Two PETA activists were deployed to the lonely early-morning Starbucks HQ in order to superglue themselves to display cases in protest of the 80 cents Starbucks charges customers who ask for a ‘vegan alternative.’ In a move underscoring the increasingly petty and unintentionally distracted behavior of climate activists, Starbucks was targeted for apparently killing our…

Techno Fog: In Effort to Keep Records From Special Counsel Durham, Clinton Campaign Says Fusion GPS Provided Legal Advice – Durham Responds

Techno Fog: In Effort to Keep Records From Special Counsel Durham, Clinton Campaign Says Fusion GPS Provided Legal Advice – Durham Responds

By Techno Fog SubStack: The battle over documents and e-mails in the Michael Sussmann case just got hotter. Back in August 2017, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee, explaining how his firm was retained to gather “lots of facts about Donald Trump.” He admitted that Fusion GPS met with reporters…

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Food Processing Plants Across the Country Catching Fire, Over a Dozen Factories Destroyed, Including Two THIS WEEK in Plane Crashes

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Food Processing Plants Across the Country Catching Fire, Over a Dozen Factories Destroyed, Including Two THIS WEEK in Plane Crashes

With the cost of energy skyrocketing and record-breaking inflation, the Biden administration came out last month and warned the public about “food shortages” hitting the US. Naturally, like with the ‘Putin price hike’, fingers were pointed at the war in Ukraine for causing the shortages. Biden himself was even trotted out by his handlers, warning…