Bill Gates Foundation Donated $200 Million to Expand Digital ID Surveillance System

Bill Gates Foundation Donated $200 Million to Expand Digital ID Surveillance System

Bill Gates Foundation Donated $200 Million to Expand Digital ID Surveillance System   The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $1.27 billion to “advance progress toward the global goals” during United Nations General Assembly week last month, with $200 million going toward the development of an invasive global digital ID system, Life Site News reported….

Big 4 Accounting Firm Deloitte Given Slap on the Wrist After Allowing Firms in China to Do Their Own Audit Work

Big 4 Accounting Firm Deloitte Given Slap on the Wrist After Allowing Firms in China to Do Their Own Audit Work

Big 4 Accounting Firm Deloitte Given Slap on the Wrist After Allowing Firms in China to Do Their Own Audit Work Deloitte China has been fined by the SEC for allowing its audit clients to perform some of their audit work on their own. Big 4 Accounting firm Deloitte was given a minor slap on…

BIG PHARMA AT WORK: Twitter Censors Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo for Recommending Young Males Refrain from Receiving COVID Vaccine

BIG PHARMA AT WORK: Twitter Censors Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo for Recommending Young Males Refrain from Receiving COVID Vaccine

BIG PHARMA AT WORK: Twitter Censors Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo for Recommending Young Males Refrain from Receiving COVID Vaccine Florida Surgeon General released a shocking report on Friday. According to Dr. Joseph Ladapo, there was an 84% increase in the incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following…

Another Ghastly Day In NYC: Thief Robs Dead Man Crushed Under Tractor Trailer

Another Ghastly Day In NYC: Thief Robs Dead Man Crushed Under Tractor Trailer

Another Ghastly Day In NYC: Thief Robs Dead Man Crushed Under Tractor Trailer On Thursday, a pedestrian was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer in Midtown Manhattan. While the victim lay lifeless pinned underneath the truck,  a person approached the body and robbed him. In a video of the disgusting act, a crowd can be heard…

MUST WATCH: THE BIG RESET MOVIE – The Uncensored Documentary About the Truth of the Pandemic

MUST WATCH: THE BIG RESET MOVIE – The Uncensored Documentary About the Truth of the Pandemic

MUST WATCH: THE BIG RESET MOVIE – The Uncensored Documentary About the Truth of the Pandemic The Big Reset, a documentary that has been trending online for months, argues that the pandemic is a “media campaign of terror” planned by by the globalists and elites in an effort to abolish fundamental rights and freedom. Many…

Hooters Restaurant in Plano, Texas Attacked by Mob of ‘Youths’ and Children–Over a Candy Bar? (Video)

Hooters Restaurant in Plano, Texas Attacked by Mob of ‘Youths’ and Children–Over a Candy Bar? (Video)

Hooters Restaurant in Plano, Texas Attacked by Mob of ‘Youths’ and Children–Over a Candy Bar? (Video) Videos posted to social media show a mob of young Black men, teens and children violently attacking a Hooters restaurant in Plano, Texas on Thursday, according to posters of the videos. Customers and staff were attacked at the entrance…

EPIC! President Trump Runs Montage of Joe Biden’s Brainless Gaffes – Crowd Chants, “Joe’s Got to Go!” (VIDEO)

EPIC! President Trump Runs Montage of Joe Biden’s Brainless Gaffes – Crowd Chants, “Joe’s Got to Go!” (VIDEO)

EPIC! President Trump Runs Montage of Joe Biden’s Brainless Gaffes – Crowd Chants, “Joe’s Got to Go!” (VIDEO) President Trump held a rally in Minden, Nevada on Saturday night. Before President Trump arrived guest speakers Sheriff Joe Lombardo, Republican Nominee for Governor of Nevada and Adam Laxalt, Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada, and…

Philadelphia Democrat Endorses Dr. Oz, Calls On Other Dems To Put Public Safety Ahead Of Party

Philadelphia Democrat Endorses Dr. Oz, Calls On Other Dems To Put Public Safety Ahead Of Party

Philadelphia Democrat Endorses Dr. Oz, Calls On Other Dems To Put Public Safety Ahead Of Party The former deputy mayor of Philadelphia, a Democrat, is endorsing Republican Dr. Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race. Rampant crime has been a driving issue in the 2022 midterms and Pennsylvania is no exception, especially Philadelphia. Things are out…

WATCH: Arizona Citizen Produces EPIC Ad Exposing Katie Hobbs’ Racist Past But Radio Station KTAR Refuses To Air It

WATCH: Arizona Citizen Produces EPIC Ad Exposing Katie Hobbs’ Racist Past But Radio Station KTAR Refuses To Air It

WATCH: Arizona Citizen Produces EPIC Ad Exposing Katie Hobbs’ Racist Past But Radio Station KTAR Refuses To Air It Republic Monetary Exchange CEO Jim Clark, a private citizen and frequent ad-buyer on Arizona’s KTAR radio station, was recently declined a space for his advertisements exposing Katie Hobbs as a racist white liberal. Jim Clark has been…

BIDEN ECONOMY: Transpacific Shipping Drops 75% During Peak Season Due to Lack of US Demand

BIDEN ECONOMY: Transpacific Shipping Drops 75% During Peak Season Due to Lack of US Demand

BIDEN ECONOMY: Transpacific Shipping Drops 75% During Peak Season Due to Lack of US Demand Transpacific shipping is way down thanks to the Biden economy.  This is a symptom of the policies that Biden put in place to destroy the US economy.  The Biden economy is imploding.  Now, only months before the holidays, transpacific shipping…