ANOTHER NASTY SURPRISE: GOP Sellouts Gave Biden Regime $11 MILLION to Target Gun Owners in Repulsive Omnibus Bill

ANOTHER NASTY SURPRISE: GOP Sellouts Gave Biden Regime $11 MILLION to Target Gun Owners in Repulsive Omnibus Bill

ANOTHER NASTY SURPRISE: GOP Sellouts Gave Biden Regime $11 MILLION to Target Gun Owners in Repulsive Omnibus Bill We all are accustomed by now to the GOP treating conservatives like Chip Diller in Animal House (Thank you sir, may I have another!). So naturally the RINO sellouts in Congress decided to hand our God-given 2nd…

Marine Recruiters Tackle, Detain Smash-and-Grab Thieves at Los Angeles Mall (VIDEO)

Marine Recruiters Tackle, Detain Smash-and-Grab Thieves at Los Angeles Mall (VIDEO)

Marine Recruiters Tackle, Detain Smash-and-Grab Thieves at Los Angeles Mall (VIDEO) Los Angeles, California – Marine recruiters tackled and detained smash-and-grab thieves at a mall in Torrance on Tuesday. Four thieves wearing hoodies and masks used hammers to break the jewelry display cases at the Simon Mall. Marine recruiters and Good Samaritans jumped into action…

WATCH LIVE: Abe Hamadeh’s Election Trial On Illegal Votes and Erroneous Count of Votes

WATCH LIVE: Abe Hamadeh’s Election Trial On Illegal Votes and Erroneous Count of Votes

WATCH LIVE: Abe Hamadeh’s Election Trial On Illegal Votes and Erroneous Count of Votes Trump-Endorsed Arizona Attorney General Nominee Abe Hamadeh’s lawsuit is moving forward with evidentiary hearings in his election contest lawsuit today. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Hamadeh filed a lawsuit in the Mohave County Superior Court against Kris Mayes, Katie Hobbs,…

PATHETIC: Disgraced and Corrupt RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel Calls Kari Lake a Failed Candidate After Ronna Did Nothing in Arizona

PATHETIC: Disgraced and Corrupt RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel Calls Kari Lake a Failed Candidate After Ronna Did Nothing in Arizona

PATHETIC: Disgraced and Corrupt RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel Calls Kari Lake a Failed Candidate After Ronna Did Nothing in Arizona McDaniel seems determined to anger every last Republican grassroots supporter as her RNC re-election campaign flounders.  Her appearance yesterday on Newsmax should serve as another crowning blow to her demise. The three-time RNC loser…

Mollie Hemingway Says Republicans Will Not Be Successful Until Mitch McConnell Is Gone

Mollie Hemingway Says Republicans Will Not Be Successful Until Mitch McConnell Is Gone

Mollie Hemingway Says Republicans Will Not Be Successful Until Mitch McConnell Is Gone Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is not a very popular guy on the right at the moment. Conservatives are unhappy about the way that McConnell handled the midterms, as well as his willingness to work with Democrats on spending for Ukraine. Conservative…

VIDEO: Lapdog Media Parrot Bogus Democrat Talking Points on ‘Statesman’ Zelensky like Barking Seals

VIDEO: Lapdog Media Parrot Bogus Democrat Talking Points on ‘Statesman’ Zelensky like Barking Seals

VIDEO: Lapdog Media Parrot Bogus Democrat Talking Points on ‘Statesman’ Zelensky like Barking Seals Last night Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky went before the US Congress and demanded billions of US dollars and US weapons to continue his war with Russia. Zelensky was flown into town to deliver the remarks as the Uniparty voted to hand…

MUST WATCH: The Babylon Bee SCORCHES Biden with Hysterical Song Parody “Biden, Did You Know?” (VIDEO)

MUST WATCH: The Babylon Bee SCORCHES Biden with Hysterical Song Parody “Biden, Did You Know?” (VIDEO)

MUST WATCH: The Babylon Bee SCORCHES Biden with Hysterical Song Parody “Biden, Did You Know?” (VIDEO) Conservatives across America have for two years righteously expressed anger at the Regime’s disastrous policies destroying our country.   The Babylon Bee, though, reminds us sometimes a different approach other than anger can prove equally effective. The famous Christian satire…

Maricopa County Attorney Goes on Bizarre Rant, Says to Thousands of Disenfranchised Voters from Election Day “You Reap What You Sow”

Maricopa County Attorney Goes on Bizarre Rant, Says to Thousands of Disenfranchised Voters from Election Day “You Reap What You Sow”

Maricopa County Attorney Goes on Bizarre Rant, Says to Thousands of Disenfranchised Voters from Election Day “You Reap What You Sow” The rather unimpressive attorney for Maricopa County went on a wild rant in his closing remarks in the 2020 Election case with Kari Lake. This was just bizarre. Attorney Thomas Liddy gave the closing…

After Delivering Christmas Message, Biden Ignores Question on if Southern Border is “Secure” (VIDEO)

After Delivering Christmas Message, Biden Ignores Question on if Southern Border is “Secure” (VIDEO)

After Delivering Christmas Message, Biden Ignores Question on if Southern Border is “Secure” (VIDEO) Joe Biden on Thursday delivered a Christmas message from the Cross Hall of the White House. Biden’s Christmas message was meant to focus on his optimism for the year ahead. “Things are getting better. COVID no longer controls our lives. Our…

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Regarding the Canonical Sanctions Imposed on Father Frank A. Pavone

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Regarding the Canonical Sanctions Imposed on Father Frank A. Pavone

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Regarding the Canonical Sanctions Imposed on Father Frank A. Pavone Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano shared with us his comments regarding the canonical sanctions imposed on Father Frank A. Pavone. TGP wrote about Father Pavone earlier this week.  Fr. Frank Pavone is the national director of the Priests for Life, the…