
Pelosi Stumbles Over Her Slurred Words While Accusing Trump of Suffering From ‘Cognitive Degeneration’ (VIDEO)

Pelosi Stumbles Over Her Slurred Words While Accusing Trump of Suffering From ‘Cognitive Degeneration’ (VIDEO) Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stumbled over her slurred words as she accused former President Donald Trump of suffering from “cognitive degeneration.” Pelosi, 84, made the incredibly ironic remarks during an appearance on Jen Psaki’s MSNBC show. Trump outraged the…


HUH? Washed-Up Actor Harrison Ford Endorses Kamala Harris – Claims She Will Protect Free Speech (VIDEO)

HUH? Washed-Up Actor Harrison Ford Endorses Kamala Harris – Claims She Will Protect Free Speech (VIDEO) Harrison Ford/ Harris Campaign The washed-up actor Harrison Ford has endorsed Kamala Harris for president, claiming she will protect freedom of speech and the “right to disagree” about major policy issues. In a video released by the Harris campaign,…


FCC Commissioner: SNL May Have Broken ‘Equal Time’ Rule with Harris Appearance

FCC Commissioner: SNL May Have Broken ‘Equal Time’ Rule with Harris Appearance Image: Video screenshot/SNL Kamala Harris made a brief, awkward, unfunny appearance on Saturday Night Live last night during the final days before Election Day. According to FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, however, that appearance may have violated the equal time rule. The rule requires…


Obama Judge Rules that SoS Adrien Fontes Must Turn Over Records of 1.2 Million “Inactive” Voters on State Voter Rolls — But Not Until December 2

Obama Judge Rules that SoS Adrien Fontes Must Turn Over Records of 1.2 Million “Inactive” Voters on State Voter Rolls — But Not Until December 2 Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (Credit: Gage Skidmore) A federal judge appointed by Barack Obama ruled that Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes must release records pertaining to…


REPORT: Liberals in Hollywood Absolutely Panicked That Trump is Going to Win the Election – ‘Feels Like 2016’

REPORT: Liberals in Hollywood Absolutely Panicked That Trump is Going to Win the Election – ‘Feels Like 2016’ With the election just days away, people on both sides are on edge but things are looking very good for Trump. This is causing widespread panic in Hollywood, one of the most reliably liberal parts of the…


Liberal Data Analyst Nate Silver Says Trump Favored to Win, Accuses Pollsters of ‘Putting Finger on the Scale’ to Make Election Seem Closer Than it is (VIDEO)

Liberal Data Analyst Nate Silver Says Trump Favored to Win, Accuses Pollsters of ‘Putting Finger on the Scale’ to Make Election Seem Closer Than it is (VIDEO) Liberal data analyst Nate Silver believes Trump will win the election. His forecast puts Trump somewhere in the mid-50s and Harris in the mid-40s. During a recent appearance…


Desperate New York Governor Kathy Hochul Says if You Vote for Republicans in NY You’re Anti-American (VIDEO)

Desperate New York Governor Kathy Hochul Says if You Vote for Republicans in NY You’re Anti-American (VIDEO) New York Governor Kathy Hochul recently appeared on MSNBC and said that if you vote Republican, you’re anti-woman and anti-American. It has been amazing in this election cycle, how Democrats have become so comfortable insulting and degrading their…


President Trump Brings Down the House in Salem, Virginia: “Kamala, a Low-IQ Person Broke it, and I will Fix it” (VIDEO)

President Trump Brings Down the House in Salem, Virginia: “Kamala, a Low-IQ Person Broke it, and I will Fix it” (VIDEO) President Trump speaks at Salem, VA rally on November 2nd, 2024 President Trump made a commanding entrance to his rally in Salem, Virginia on Saturday to a crowd that absolutely loves him. Watch: NOW:…


Violent Leftist Arrested For Beating Trump Supporter in Grocery Store, Breaking His Teeth Over ‘Trump 2024’ Hat

Violent Leftist Arrested For Beating Trump Supporter in Grocery Store, Breaking His Teeth Over ‘Trump 2024’ Hat Robert Yott arrested for brutally attacking man over Trump hat This is what happens when Trump supporters are labeled “garbage,” “Nazis,” and “Fascists” by Democrat leaders and their media stenographers. A violent leftist was arrested for beating a…


WATCH: Giddy Reporter Calls Harris ‘Madam President’ During Milwaukee Press Conference

WATCH: Giddy Reporter Calls Harris ‘Madam President’ During Milwaukee Press Conference An absolutely giddy reporter referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “Madam President” during her press conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Saturday. Harris corrected him but added that it would be accurate in “three days.” “Madam president, thank you for making this-” the reporter…