Bolsonaro Leaves for USA, Vice President Mourão Takes Over and Schedules Announcement
Bolsonaro Leaves for USA, Vice President Mourão Takes Over and Schedules Announcement

President Bolsonaro has left Brazil for the USA (archive photo)
President Jair Bolsonaro has departed Brazil on an Air Force plane for the USA, where his family already is. Vice President Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão has assumed control of the government and has scheduled a national press conference for tomorrow, Dec. 31, at 8 pm local time.
Vice-President General Hamilton Mourão is an outspoken supporter of President Bolsonaro and has criticized the Supreme Court’s crackdown on pro-democracy protestors.
He recently commemorated the defeat of the 1935 Communist coup on November 27 when “traitors to the Fatherland acted against the State and the Brazilian people,” calling it “the first stab of the International Communist Movement against Brazil. It wouldn’t be the last. Let them come, they will not pass!”
Pro-Bolsonaro accounts urged protestors not to give up and to remain outside the army barracks.
Acabei de ter a confirmação aqui: Bolsonaro tinha que fazer isso mesmo, para o foco e alvo sair das costas dele, mas a missão continua, é apenas parte do plano: isso foi as FFAA blindando nosso Capitão.
Confiemos, não saiam de frente aos quartéis, agora é com as FFAA— Diego di (@diegodioficial) December 30, 2022
“I just had confirmation”, writes pro-Bolsonaro account Diego Di. “Bolsonaro had to do what he did to get out of the line of fire, but the mission continues. It’s part of the plan: that was the Military shielding our Captain. We must have faith. Don’t leave the barracks. Now it’s up to the Armed Forces.”
Recado a todos os comunistas, esquerdistas, petistas; Assim que o homem pousar com o avião das forças Aéreas Brasileiras no EUA, aí sim definitivamente vocês podem contar até 72 horas de uma vez por todas kkkk
O Bolsonaro é inteligente, ele não é burro não, aguardem.
Sem riscos..— Diego di (@diegodioficial) December 27, 2022
“A message to all communists, leftists, petistas (Lula supposters): As soon as the man lands with the Brazilian Air Force plane in the USA, then definitely you can count down to 72 hours once and for all. Bolsonaro is smart, he’s not stupid, wait. No risks,” Diego Di posted.
O presidente em ofício: General Hamilton Mourão, convoca hoje coletiva de imprensa oficial para 31/12.
Lembrando a todos, que Bolsonaro não fez nenhum pronunciamento oficial, apenas uma live informal para seu público.
Amanhã já com Bolsonaro seguro nós EUA, vem o pronunciamento— Diego di (@diegodioficial) December 30, 2022
“The acting president General Hamilton Mourão has called an official press conference for 12/31,” writes Diego Di. “Reminding everyone that Bolsonaro made no official statement, just an informal livestream for his audience. Tomorrow, with Bolsonaro safe in the US, comes the pronouncement.”
The post Bolsonaro Leaves for USA, Vice President Mourão Takes Over and Schedules Announcement appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
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Author: Richard Abelson