
Bill Gates Now Shilling ‘Magic Seeds’ Made with His Foundation’s Funding

Bill Gates Now Shilling ‘Magic Seeds’ Made with His Foundation’s Funding

Tech giant Bill Gates is now pushing crop seeds that he thinks could help put an end to famine, but while these genetically engineered seeds may be a great advancement, Gate’s past savior complex has to raise caution over his actions.

Our headline about “magic seeds” is not hyperbole. In fact, in a recent op-ed on the Gates Foundation website, Gates himself actually admitted that he has called these genetically manipulated corn seeds “magic seeds.”

“Fourteen years ago, our foundation began supporting a group of African crop researchers. Their goal was to develop a new type of maize — what I started calling ‘magic seeds,’” Gates wrote.

Gates, who worked secretly to force Biden’s disastrous inflation “reduction” act on us all, admitted that the seed corn really isn’t magical but insisted that the seeds, called “DroughtTEGO,” do have important qualities.

“Of course, the seeds weren’t actually magic, but by breeding select varieties of the crop, the researchers believed they could produce a hybrid maize that would be more resistant to hotter, drier climates. They succeeded wildly,” Gates wrote.

Gates added that his DroughtTEGO has a promising track record.

“When researchers in Kenya compared plots of this new maize, which they called ‘DroughtTEGO®,’ with the old one, they saw the DroughtTEGO farms were producing an average of 66 percent more grain per acre,” Gates wrote. “That harvest is enough to feed a family of six for an entire year, and the family would still have so much surplus maize that they could sell it for about $880, equivalent to five months of income for the average Kenyan. In fact, many farmers could finally afford to send their kids to school or build new homes once they switched to DroughtTEGO.”

But seeds like these are not being adopted quickly enough, Gates said, adding, “Investment in agricultural R&D is still much too small.”

“It’s critical if we want to get the latest seed technology to farmers as fast as we can,” he exclaimed.

Despite the success of these seeds, though, Gates added that science has to keep working with newer modifications “as the environment changes in unpredictable ways.”

He went on to suggest that new efforts need to be made to modify crops.

“We need to speed this plant breeding work up, and one solution is what researchers call ‘predictive modeling.’ It’s artificial intelligence software that processes the genome sequences of crops along with environmental data — everything from soil samples to satellite imagery — and then conjures up a data-based vision of what farms will need to look like in the future. From this computer model, researchers can identify the optimal plant variety for a particular place. Or they can do the reverse: pinpoint the optimal place to grow a specific crop,” Gates said.

This all sounds wonderful, granted. Who wouldn’t welcome ways to help eliminate famine and to improve crop yields? And, while a discussion of “frankenfoods” — or genetically modified foods — is a whole other world, it is a good idea to look at the science here.

Unfortunately, the messenger is the problem. Bill Gates’ savior complex is well known as a serious drawback for anything he proposes.

Only a few years ago, for instance, he was touting a wild idea of blocking the sun’s rays from getting to the Earth to stop global warming. According to reports, Gates was funding a project to spray particles in the atmosphere that could reflect sun rays back out into space.

Sound more like the plot of a B-level sci-fi movie.

Gates has also been a vocal proponent of synthetic meat to save the environment from cows. But he admitted that synth-meat tastes terrible.

“I do think all rich countries should move to 100 percent synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time,” he said in March.

He clearly understands that it is a product no one wants, but as far as he is concerned, we should be forced into it for our own good. In fact, he even said that if the government made it mandatory, that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Meanwhile, multi-billionaire Gates has become the single largest owner of farmland in the country after a campaign of land acquisitions has put as much as 270,000 acres under his control.

This growing portfolio of fertile farmland has many worried over Gates’ intentions for buying so much farmland and even sent the state of North Dakota into investigation mode to find out why he is making these purchases.

And don’t even get us started on his massive campaigns to push the various coronavirus vaccines and his activism for climate change.

Gates has proven to be a top-down guy, a person who thinks our lives should be ruled by so-called “experts,” and a man who thinks our freedoms need to be curtailed for our own good.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Bill Gates Now Shilling ‘Magic Seeds’ Made with His Foundation’s Funding appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Warner Todd Huston, The Western Journal