Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Says “Look, The Border Is Secure”

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Says “Look, The Border Is Secure”

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Says “Look, The Border Is Secure”

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, says the Southern Border is secure.  Agents working for him as well as everyone in America say he’s lying.  

This about this…. this is the guy Biden wanted to lead his disinformation governance board.

Biden’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas says that the Southern Border is fine.  Nothing to worry about.  Hotair reports:

Alejandro Mayorkas, who somehow wound up as the Secretary of Homeland Security under the Biden administration, recently spoke at the Aspen Security Forum. Unlike his boss at the White House, Mayorkas agreed to take some questions from the press after concluding his remarks. He was asked about the situation at the southern border and what plans might be in place to address the Biden border crisis. Remarkably, Mayorkas responded by saying that the border “is secure,” though he admitted that we are facing an “historic challenge.” The Secretary managed to deliver these remarks with a straight face, despite the fact that we are currently seeing more than 200,000 illegal border crossings per month. It all seemed like a scene from Princess Bride. Secure? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. (Fox News)

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday claimed that the southern border “is secure” – even as Border Patrol agents are facing historic migrant numbers.

Mayorkas spoke at the Aspen Security Forum, where he was asked about the situation at the southern border – which has seen more than 200,000 migrant encounters a month in the last three months.

But, even though he acknowledged the situation is a “historic challenge,” the secretary claimed the border is “secure.”

“Look, the border is secure,” he said. “We are working to make the border more secure. That has been a historic challenge.”

Mayorkas also sought to place blame on Republicans who refuse to consider any new immigration legislation that includes a pathway to citizenship for the more than ten million illegal aliens who are already in the country. He was quoted as saying that he takes issue with “the math of holding the solution hostage until the problem is resolved.”

When the Border Patrol Officers heard these remarks, they called him out for being the liar that he is:

Multiple Border Patrol agents are pushing back against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ claim that the southern border is “secure” — just as agents on the frontlines of the historic migrant crisis are struggling to cope with the overwhelming numbers facing them. …

“Hundreds of thousands crossing every month is not the definition of secure,” one agent said. “They are liars and anyone who believes them are fools.”

Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) also disputed that the border is secure, pointing to not only the drug flows into the U.S., but also the number of migrants that get past agents.

A high-level CBP source told Fox News last month that there have been 440,000 known gotaways since the fiscal year began in October — with over 50,000 in May. Combined with the 400,000 known gotaways since the beginning of FY 2021, that means that more than 800,000 illegal immigrants have gotten past agents since October 2020.

“As bad as the apprehension numbers are, and they are beyond bad, the scariest part of border security is the gotaways and the amount of drugs that are coming into the country,” Judd told Fox News Digital. “Secretary Mayorkas knows the cartels use illegal border crossers to facilitate their higher value contraband including criminal aliens and fentanyl.”

Remember that Mayorkas was approved through the Senate by Republicans as well as Democrats. 

Six Republican senators — Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Dan Sullivan, Shelley Moore Capito, Lisa Murkowski and Rob Portman — joined Democrats in voting to approve the nomination. Portman is the top Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has oversight authority over the department.

This guy should be in prison for not fulfilling his duties according to the Constitution.

The post Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Says “Look, The Border Is Secure” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Joe Hoft