Biden Foreign Policy: Putin Announces Russia Will Suspend Nuclear Arms Treaty with US

Biden Foreign Policy: Putin Announces Russia Will Suspend Nuclear Arms Treaty with US

Biden Foreign Policy: Putin Announces Russia Will Suspend Nuclear Arms Treaty with US

The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) produced two agreements by May 1972 during the Nixon administration.

The START I Soviet-US nuclear agreements were proposed by Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s and finally signed in 1991 during the George H. Bush administration.

The START II agreements were signed during the papa Bush administration.

START III was signed by Bill Clinton.

George W. Bush signed the SORT (Moscow Treaty) in 2002 with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

And the New START nuclear agreement was signed in 2010 between Barack Obama and Putin.

On Tuesday Vladimir Putin announced he will suspend participation in the START nuclear treaty.

Putin announced the suspension during a speech to both houses of the Russian parliament in a speech where he accused the West of seeking to destroy Russia.

Nice work, Joe Biden!

Reuters reported:

Russia will continue to observe limits on the number of nuclear warheads it can deploy under the New START treaty despite a decision to suspend participation in the agreement, Moscow said on Tuesday.

President Vladimir Putin announced the freeze during a speech to both houses of the Russian parliament in which he also repeated accusations the West was seeking to destroy Russia.

Later in the day Putin submitted a draft law on the suspension to the Duma, the lower house of parliament, which will consider it on Wednesday and take an immediate decision, Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said in a statement.

The draft will then be sent to the Federation Council upper house, he said. Grigory Karasin, who chairs the Council’s international committee, told RIA news agency that the body might also consider the law on Wednesday.

Under the treaty, signed in 2010 and extended until 2026, Moscow and Washington committed to deploying no more than 1,550 strategic nuclear warheads and a maximum of 700 long-range missiles and bombers.

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Author: Jim Hoft