
‘Hero of Linz’: Vandals Behead Offensive Statue of The Virgin Mary With Legs Spread Giving Birth

‘Hero of Linz’: Vandals Behead Offensive Statue of The Virgin Mary With Legs Spread Giving Birth Image: Video screenshot St. Mary’s Cathedral in Linz, Austria, has been a center of controversy after an offensive sculpture of the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus was put on display. The piece, which some Catholics have called blasphemous,…


Victor Reacts: The Only Issue is.. his Brain? (VIDEO)

Victor Reacts: The Only Issue is.. his Brain? (VIDEO) Rest easy, Joe Biden has assured us that he is in great health. The only issue is… his brain? The Gateway Pundit reported, No wonder California Governor Gavin Newsom avoided the cameras after Democrat governors held an emergency meeting with Joe Biden at the White House Wednesday evening…


“Why Not Let Someone Younger Take the Country Forward?!” – Angry Joe Biden Gets Testy with Reporters Asking If He Will Drop Out of 2024 Race (VIDEO)

“Why Not Let Someone Younger Take the Country Forward?!” – Angry Joe Biden Gets Testy with Reporters Asking If He Will Drop Out of 2024 Race (VIDEO) Joe Biden stopped to chat with reporters on the tarmac as he was departing Wisconsin en route to Wilmington, Delaware. Earlier Friday Biden spoke to a crowd of…


Jerome Corsi on Theories Surrounding Archbishop Viganò’s Excommunication

Jerome Corsi on Theories Surrounding Archbishop Viganò’s Excommunication Yesterday, on July 4th, the day we celebrate American independence, the Vatican excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for his refusal to submit to the authority of Pope Francis [aka, Jorge Mario Bergoglio]. The move opens the door for the left’s radical sexual theories to displace the traditional…


Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Ballot Drop Boxes for 2024 Election – This Is Despite Exclusive Gateway Pundit Video Showing Dozens of Individuals Stuffing Drop Boxes in 2020

Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Ballot Drop Boxes for 2024 Election – This Is Despite Exclusive Gateway Pundit Video Showing Dozens of Individuals Stuffing Drop Boxes in 2020 Individuals in Michigan drop several ballots in an unguarded Detroit drop box in 2020 (via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit) The Wisconsin Supreme Court in July 2022 ruled that…


This is Who They Are: Pro-Hamas Mobs Burn American Flags in Dem Cities Across America On July 4th

This is Who They Are: Pro-Hamas Mobs Burn American Flags in Dem Cities Across America On July 4th Image: Video screenshot/@ShirionOrg/X While Americans spent Thursday celebrating the birth of our great nation, pro-Hamas mobs gathered in Dem cities to show how much they hate us and everything we stand for. In cities like Philadelphia, Los…


Rishi Sunak to Resign as Tory Party Leader Following Humiliating Election Defeat

Rishi Sunak to Resign as Tory Party Leader Following Humiliating Election Defeat Screenshot: Guardian News/Youtube British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will resign as the leader of the Conservative Party on Friday morning after his devastating election result, in which he lost by a landslide to the left-wing Labour Party. While Sunak won his seat of…


Law Professor Suggests Replacing Kamala Harris With Barack Obama as Biden’s 2024 Running Mate

Law Professor Suggests Replacing Kamala Harris With Barack Obama as Biden’s 2024 Running Mate As the left scrambles to figure out what to do with Joe Biden now that his mental decline has been exposed, one law professor from George Washington University is claiming he has a perfect fix. The professor thinks the Democrats should…


Mollie Hemingway Rips Media’s Sudden Discovery of Biden’s Decline: ‘Worried About Their Ability to Drag Joe Biden Across the Finish Line’ (VIDEO)

Mollie Hemingway Rips Media’s Sudden Discovery of Biden’s Decline: ‘Worried About Their Ability to Drag Joe Biden Across the Finish Line’ (VIDEO) It’s remarkable how quickly the media went from denying that Joe Biden has a mental health problem to panicked reports about how Biden must drop out of the 2024 race. Many people have…


Ultimatum to Democrats: Elite Donors, Including Disney Heiress, Threaten to Freeze Funding Unless Biden Steps Down

Ultimatum to Democrats: Elite Donors, Including Disney Heiress, Threaten to Freeze Funding Unless Biden Steps Down Abigail Disney (Credit: Wikimedia Commons) Dementia Joe Biden is facing a revolt from some of his own party’s prominent donors, including the heiress to the Disney family fortune. These donors have declared they will cease funding the Democrat Party…