As We Always Suspected: Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group – Arrested 31 in a Uhaul on Way to Protest

As We Always Suspected: Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group – Arrested 31 in a Uhaul on Way to Protest

As We Always Suspected: Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group – Arrested 31 in a Uhaul on Way to Protest

On Saturday 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest.

They traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a Uhaul.

Kristinn Taylor reported on the Patriot Front arrests earlier tonight.

Following the arrest today a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement.

For the record, has law enforcement ever arrested BLM or Antifa before one of their dearly and violent planned operations?

Since the Patriot front group first appeared on the scene earlier this year, The Gateway Pundit always suspected they had links to the feds. We were convinced they were infiltrated by the feds.

Here are several previous reports alleging the Patriot Group’s government ties.

EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Suggests Yesterday’s Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Parade in Chicago Included ‘Tradecraft’ Indicating Federal Government Involvement

Mysterious Patriot Front Group Has Data Leaked Exposing Suspect Videos, Outing Members and Even More Questions of Federal Infiltration

“Patriot Front” Founder is 23-Year-Old Who Walked in the Tiki Torch March in Charlottesville

EXCLUSIVE: More on the Government-Sponsored ‘Patriot Front’ Showing More Government Ties

EXCLUSIVE: Many Ignored Crimes Committed by Members of the Patriot Front Provide More Evidence It is a Government Sponsored Group

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Arrests 3 Individuals on Terrorism Charges Likely Linked to Patriot Front Group – But Others Were Let Go? More Proof This is Another Government Operation

The post As We Always Suspected: Law Enforcement Admits They Have Informants Inside Patriot Front Group – Arrested 31 in a Uhaul on Way to Protest appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft