A Chat With Stephen Gardner on NATO’s Growing Panic

A Chat With Stephen Gardner on NATO’s Growing Panic

A Chat With Stephen Gardner on NATO’s Growing Panic

Stephen Gardner is a new friend and he has an audience approaching 1.5 million. Not too shabby. He is a good interviewer. Stephen gave me the chance to do a full explanation debunking the claim by Biden, Blinken and Sir Lawrence Freedman that Russia has “lost” the war. The fact that the U.S. leaders and the Brit are using the same talking point is a big red flag that this is a specific message the West is trying to plant in the minds of the media and citizens of their respective countries. Have the NATO folks decided to declare “victory” and get the hell out of Ukraine?

Those who insist that Russia has “lost” the war in Ukraine do not understand the meaning of the word “lost.” Inconceivable (I love this clip).

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Author: Larry Johnson