WATCH: Rasmussen Reports Mark Mitchell Tells Steve Bannon “They Elected Kari Lake as The Governor of Arizona by EIGHT POINTS” According to New Poll!

WATCH: Rasmussen Reports Mark Mitchell Tells Steve Bannon “They Elected Kari Lake as The Governor of Arizona by EIGHT POINTS” According to New Poll!

WATCH: Rasmussen Reports Mark Mitchell Tells Steve Bannon “They Elected Kari Lake as The Governor of Arizona by EIGHT POINTS” According to New Poll!

Rasmussen Reports lead pollster Mark Mitchell joined Bannon’s War Room this morning following the release of a new bombshell 2022 election exit poll, which shows Arizona has lost faith in elections and overwhelmingly voted for the candidates whose races were stolen. 

The Gateway Pundit reported this morning on Rasmussen’s new poll of likely Arizona voters. This poll shows that Kari Lake won by a landslide 8 points against corrupt Democrat Katie Hobbs. Abe Hamadeh had 49% of votes to Kris Mayes’ 43%, and Mark Finchem, who supposedly lost by 120,000 votes, had 46% of support among all voters to Adrian Fontes’ 43%.

EXPLOSIVE: NEW Rasmussen Poll Reveals That Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, Mark Finchem Likely WON The 2022 Election

72% of Republicans, 26% of Democrats, and 47% of independents say it was likely that intentional voter suppression against Republican voters occurred when 59% of machines failed on Election Day.

Even more, Mitchell told Bannon the poll was weighted to be “more favorable to Democrats”  by at least two points — and they still lost!

Rasmussen’s poll was commissioned by Arizona patriots in response to a recent bogus OH Predictive Insights poll conducted from January 31 – February 9, 2023. The OH Predictive poll claims that “a majority (55%) of Arizona voters are extremely or moderately confident that the 2022 midterm elections in Arizona were administered fairly. This includes 8 in 10 Democrats and half (52%) of Independents, compared to 36% of Republicans.” The questions used in this poll were worded in such a way that “it seemed like they cherry-picked results,” using “very leading questions,” says Mark Mitchell.

Despite the poll being conducted in late January and early February, OH waited to release the results until March 1, after Kari Lake’s election fraud lawsuit was dismissed in the Court of Appeals, and after Lake had already announced she would appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court. “they sat on the poll for a month and seemed to be dropping it for political reasons,” said Mitchell.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, on March 2, the Arizona Supreme Court agreed to expedite Lake’s lawsuit and scheduled March 21 to consider whether or not they will accept Lake’s new Petition. “At the conference, the Court will decide whether to accept review and schedule an oral argument,” states the order, which can be found here.

Read the latest on Kari Lake’s Supreme Court case here!

Watch below:

Bannon: You’ve got breaking news on polling out of Arizona, Mark Mitchell, it’s such a blow away poll. It’s such a massive poll, first off, what you did, I think 1,000. Walk us through what your latest explosive polling shows out of the state of Arizona.

Mitchell: It shows that people in Arizona, by and large, think that cheating happened just this recent midterm, not even in 2020. We’ve asked it at the national level, the 2020 numbers, how likely is it that cheating affected the outcome? And we’ve always shown every single time we’ve tested like six or seven times now that a strong majority of voters think it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome. The number has been as high as 58%, and I think it never got lower than 53%. And what instigated this particularly was a poll that actually a reader brought to our attention and it was this Ohio Predictive Insights poll that ran about a month ago. And there were a couple of things that just really upset us about it. It seemed like they cherry-picked results, there were some very leading questions, and they sat on the poll for a month and seemed to be dropping it for political reasons. So I say this a lot to people who are followers in the videos I do: if you don’t like polling don’t say well your polls are garbage. Don’t ignore it. Go out and do your own poll, hire your own poll. So, somebody came to us and hired us for a poll in Arizona, and that to me, that’s the way polling is supposed to work. And we came at this from a million different directions. We’re not going to cherry-pick results. We’re not going to pretest words to try and get the results we want. We go out, we ask questions, we weigh it to match what we think the electorate looks like, and we run with the results, and we got some pretty incredible things. And if you want I can just run down a little list here of all of the things.

How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election? This is 1000 Arizona likely voters. 49% Say at least somewhat likely, 29% say very likely, 68% of Republicans say likely, and even 29% of Democrats.

Republicans in Arizona say problems with the 2020 election in Maricopa prevented many people from voting, how likely is it that these problems affected the outcome of the election? So, we even use the word Republican in there, and talking specifically about Maricopa suppression, 54% of Arizona likely voters say at least somewhat likely, 35% say very likely, 76% of Republicans say likely, and 1/3 of Arizona Democrats.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? “It isn’t about Republicans or Democrats. It’s about our sacred right to vote, which sadly, many voters were deprived of on November 8.” That’s a Kari Lake quote by the way. 58% of Arizona likely voters agreed, 72% of Republicans, 37% of Democrats.

This one’s my favorite too: So, they asked, the Ohio Predictive Insight poll, you know they do this thing where they give you two long sentences to pick from and ask you which one most represents your view. And it’s not apples and oranges. The sentences can be worded very differently, and the one that was the fraud response to me seemed like it had some keywords and tricky phrases in there that would make people not want to answer it. It’s much more accurate and telling to just throw a statement out there and give voters a chance to say yes/no. Have you seen compelling evidence that makes you believe there was election fraud in Arizona 2020 elections? 35% of Arizona voters say Yes, only 50% say no, only 50% of Arizona voters say no, 15% say not sure, but they can always be convinced. 53% of Republicans say yes, 17% of Democrats, and 32% of independents, so this is a very strong signal that Arizona voters are aware that there are regularities and cheating.

How likely is it that irregularities in the election in heavily affected Republican areas happened intentionally to suppress the Republican vote? 49% of Arizona voters say likely, 72% of Republicans, and 26% of Democrats, 47% of independents.

Bannon: walk me through the 2022 results.

Mitchell: So now, in this case, we asked a set of questions in the poll about who did you vote for in the most recent midterm election? And we asked Secretary of State, Attorney General, Governor, and Senate, and now, a lot of pollsters, ones with maybe less courage, would really use those results to weigh the poll to match the outcome of the elections and then bury the questions and pretend that they never even asked them. And, you know, to be honest, these results were just so unbelievable that we had to report them. So I’m very confident in the way we weighted this poll with our standard methodology. We use very uncontroversial weightings. They’re actually slightly more favorable to Democrats, two points, than the Edison numbers that came out for that everybody uses, you know, the gold standard in the industry for exit polling. And so favorable, the Democrats just traditionally weighted, and what we found is that voters told us that just four months ago, they elected Kari Lake as the Governor of Arizona by eight points. Eight points.

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Author: Jordan Conradson