Dominion Voting Machines Down In Texas, Arizona, New Jersey – Other Voter Irregularities Reported

Dominion Voting Machines Down In Texas, Arizona, New Jersey – Other Voter Irregularities Reported

Dominion Voting Machines Down In Texas, Arizona, New Jersey – Other Voter Irregularities Reported

Voters in Mercer County, New Jersey, are facing a “county-wide system outage” in their election using Dominion Voting Machines.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this issue earlier today.

Here We Go Again: Dominion Machines in Mercer, NJ Experiencing “Programming Glitch”

Voters are not being turned away, but are being asked to fill out ballots manually and place them in the slot for manual counting later.

In 2020 Mercer was a +40 Biden county. In the 2021 Governor’s race, Democrats lost 9 points over their 2020 performance in the county of 387,000 people.  The turnout in 2021 was of course significantly less.

It’s not just New Jersey, either. The Gateway Pundit has reported election day anomalies and machine outages across the country.

In Maricopa county, tabulators did not work starting at 6 am when the polls opened.

Early Voting in Arizona Spells Doom for Democrats – Barring Major Fraud in the State, Expect WINS FOR MAGA CANDIDATES – Lake, Blake, Hamadeh, Finchem! #GetOutAndVote

In Texas, the machines are also not working.


In Illinois, voters are being told to use the provided sharpies, or their vote may not count!

SHARPIEGATE UPDATE: Reported Felt Tip Pens Forced Onto Voters Are BLEEDING THROUGH Ballots and Causing Ink Streaks that Are Reportedly CHANGING VOTES – Poll Worker Says “Probably 10-15%” Of Ballots Smearing

The Champaign County Illinois Clerk’s Office announced the computer server is under cyber-attack.

BREAKING: Champaign County Clerk Reports Cyber-Attacks on Servers – Voters Told to Stay in Line

The Gateway Pundit has also reported on massive issues and election irregularities across the country.

MASSIVE ISSUES REPORTED ACROSS THE COUNTRY: Here Are Several Concerns and Anomalies We Received from our TGP Tips…

The Democrats were expecting a historic election day turnout, and they were ready.

We are seeing the same issues across the country while being told it will take all week to count the ballots.

This is not how the elections are supposed to run.

The post Dominion Voting Machines Down In Texas, Arizona, New Jersey – Other Voter Irregularities Reported appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jordan Conradson