Facebook and Instagram Take Down Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Fund Pages Over Bogus “Misinformation” Accusations

Facebook and Instagram Take Down Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Fund Pages Over Bogus “Misinformation” Accusations

Facebook and Instagram Take Down Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Fund Pages Over Bogus “Misinformation” Accusations

On Wednesday Facebook and Instagram without warning took down the Children’s Health Defense Fund‘s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

The two pages together had nearly a half million followers.

They received the following notifications.

This comes at the same time the CDC admitted to making major COVID mistakes during the pandemic – an understatement.

For two years now Bobby Kennedy, Jr. has been an outspoken critic of American health institutions. Bobby Kennedy, Jr. also published a scathing best-seller titled The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. The book was a #1 bestseller despite the corporate/legacy media’s virtual blackout.

Children’s Health Defense Fund had not posted information on the page for 21 days when the tech giant took it down on Wednesday.

Via the Children’s Health Defense Fund:

Deplatforming by the tech giants came days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly walked back many of their previous COVID-19 policies that CHD has criticized since the beginning of the pandemic. Within hours of CHD deplatforming, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky shared her plans for overhauling how the agency works while admitting to a flawed response to the COVID-19 and pandemic missteps.

There’s no clear indication of why Facebook and Instagram chose to deplatform us at this time, but the timing dovetails with our ongoing censorship lawsuit against Facebook. CHD filed a lawsuit against Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, in August, 2020. Recently, in its Ninth Circuit Court appeal filed on July 29, CHD provided the court with CDC-produced documents the agency shared with Facebook. These documents, provided to Facebook on a regular basis, contained what the CDC considered misinformation. Titled “COVID Vaccine Misinformation: Hot Topics,” the CDC documents asked tech giants to “be on the lookout” (BOLO) for various topics they consider to be misinformation including: COVID-19 vaccine shedding, VAERS reports, spike protein data and more. The CHD case is currently pending in a Ninth Circuit decision.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. said:

“Facebook is acting here as a surrogate for the Federal government’s crusade to silence all criticism of draconian government policies. Our constitutional framers recognized this peril of government censorship. We don’t need a First Amendment to protect popular or government approved speech. They incorporated the First Amendment specifically to protect free expression of dissenting opinions. They understood that a government that can silence its critics has license for every atrocity.”

Roger Teich, CHD legal counsel for the Meta lawsuit, added, “Censorship is not only unconstitutional, it’s un-American.”

** You can help the Children’s Defense Fund in their lawsuits against Big Tech by donating here.

The post Facebook and Instagram Take Down Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Fund Pages Over Bogus “Misinformation” Accusations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hoft