BUSTED! Kari Lake Files Official Complaint with Arizona AG After Competitor Is CAUGHT ILLEGALLY Using State Plane to Campaign with Gov. Doug Ducey and Mike Pence (AUDIO)

BUSTED! Kari Lake Files Official Complaint with Arizona AG After Competitor Is CAUGHT ILLEGALLY Using State Plane to Campaign with Gov. Doug Ducey and Mike Pence (AUDIO)

BUSTED! Kari Lake Files Official Complaint with Arizona AG After Competitor Is CAUGHT ILLEGALLY Using State Plane to Campaign with Gov. Doug Ducey and Mike Pence (AUDIO)

RINO Karrin Taylor Robson is facing more questions about her jet setting and using a taxpayer-funded plane to campaign across the State of Arizona.

Robson recently held a campaign event with Establishment RINOs Doug Ducey and Mike Pence, who have both endorsed her campaign for Arizona Governor. Afterward, Robson’s jet was used to transport Mike Pence to Nevada, while Karrin Taylor Robson flew home on the state plane with Governor Ducey.

If not illegal, the Governor using state resources to support any candidate, especially one he’s endorsed, is highly unethical.

Kari Lake said in an interview, “he’s doing nothing to protect us. He’s putting more energy into trying to defeat this amazing movement we have of We The People in Arizona in order to get his RINO friend in office.”

“The governor is the governor, regardless of what he is doing,” said CJ Karamargin, a spokesman for Ducey.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Robson is already under fire for the potentially illegal and unreported use of her husband’s company jet to campaign across Arizona. This could be a major campaign finance violation.

WATCH: Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake EXPOSES Pence-Endorsed Candidate Karrin Robson For Possibly Unreported Campaign Flights On Her Husband’s Private Jet

Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake exposed Robson’s unethical campaign activity again and later filed an official complaint with the Attorney General’s Office demanding accountability.

Lake: What I am doing this morning is working with my attorney, and we’re going to be filing a complaint with the Attorney General on the improper use of Arizona’s public resources for political purposes against Governor Doug Ducey who’s flying around a taxpayer-funded and owned jet to do campaign stops with my RINO opponent. And that’s improper, and that’s most likely illegal, and we’re gonna file a complaint. He needs to pay that money back. Karen Roberson needs to pay the money back. She’s flying around on our Arizona state plane to do a bunch of campaign stops, and the people won’t have that kind of behavior anymore.

Think about this, our governor Doug Ducey, who’s doing absolutely nothing on the border while we’re overrun by drugs and cartels, and people are flooding in. He’s doing nothing to protect us. He’s putting more energy into trying to defeat this amazing movement we have of We The People in Arizona in order to get his RINO friend in office. He’s putting more energy into that than I’ve seen him put energy into anything in seven and a half years. I wish he put just a tiny bit of that energy into protecting us and making sure that this border is secure. And he does have the power to do that. He doesn’t have the spine to do it, but he has the power to do it. And when I’m in office in January, we’re going to start securing that border.

Kari Lake’s full complaint can be found below.

AG Brnovich – Re: Improper use of state resources for political purposes in violation of Arizona law by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

RINO Attorney General Mark Brnovich will likely do nothing as he did with the Fraudulent 2020 Election evidence. He is more interested in protecting his cronie friends than enforcing law and order.

The two were even photographed together on the runway boarding the plane.

The Arizona Mirror reported,

After flying to Tucson on her family’s private jet for a campaign event Friday, Republican gubernatorial candidate Karrin Taylor Robson hitched a ride back home on Gov. Doug Ducey’s state plane because her jet was ferrying former Vice President Mike Pence to Nevada.

And Robson’s campaign will have to reimburse the state for not just that trip, but for the cost of sending the state plane to Southern Arizona to pick them up.

Robson, Ducey, Pence and their entourages all boarded Robson’s jet on July 22 after a campaign event in Peoria and flew to Marana Regional Airport on July 22 for a second event in Tucson. But video footage obtained by the Arizona Mirror shows that Ducey and Robson boarded the governor’s state-owned plane to return to Phoenix after the Tucson event ended.

Pence, meanwhile, crossed the tarmac to board Robson’s jet. Flight records show the plane flew to Reno, Nev., where it landed at 5:45 p.m. Less than 30 minutes later, the plane was airborne again, en route to Scottsdale Airport, where it touched down just after 7:20 p.m.

The Governor’s Office says Robson will also be on the hook for her use of the state plane, as well as the cost of sending it to Marana to fly her and Ducey back to Phoenix.

CJ Karamargin, a spokesman for Ducey, said the state plane flew from Sky Harbor International Airport, where it is hangared, to Glendale Municipal Airport so it could transport Ducey after Robson’s morning campaign event in Tucson. But Ducey then decided to join Robson and Pence on the luxury jet for the roughly 30-minute flight to Marana, so the state plane flew to Marana to be available for the return trip.

Three non-state employees used the plane, one of which was Robson. DPS will calculate the costs for the flight and bill the campaign accordingly, Karamargin said.

Robson’s campaign is already facing questions about its use of her family’s private jet. A recent report by 3TV/CBS 5 found the campaign hadn’t reported a single use of the jet in its campaign finance reports, even though it had been used to travel to a number of campaign related events. “The Karrin for Arizona campaign properly accounts for all campaign expenses, including air travel,” Benson said. “In terms of the plane utilized Friday for travel between campaign events in Glendale and Tucson, Ed and Karrin Taylor Robson will reimburse for those expenses and report them as an in-kind donation. For any previous campaign travel, expenses have and will be similarly reimbursed and reflected in amended campaign-finance reports, as necessary.”

One Valley attorney says there could be a problem with that reimbursement.

According to Arizona law, an LLC cannot make a contribution to a candidate committee, said attorney Tom Ryan. The Robsons’ private jet is owned by an LLC, and Ryan contends that it runs afoul of the Arizona law. 

Ryan also said he thinks it was illegal for Robson to fly back to Phoenix on Ducey’s plane. He said the trip could violate a state law passed in 2012 aimed at disallowing the use of public resources from influencing elections. 

The Governor’s Office said Ducey is required by law to have DPS protection and defended the use of the aircraft.

“The governor is the governor, regardless of what he is doing,” Karamargin said, adding that the Robson campaign will be reimbursing the state for the portion of the trip she flew on. Karamargin said that any time a non-state employee uses the aircraft, they have to reimburse the state.

As noted in Kari Lake’s complaint, This solution of reimbursing the state for her shady trip was only concocted after they got caught!

We do not know if she would have paid the taxpayers back if this violation went undiscovered.

Karrin Taylor Robson and Doug Ducey have not publicly responded to this latest scandal, and there does not appear to be any dispute.

All Patriots must vote for Kari Lake on August 2nd to Drain The Swamp in Arizona.

The post BUSTED! Kari Lake Files Official Complaint with Arizona AG After Competitor Is CAUGHT ILLEGALLY Using State Plane to Campaign with Gov. Doug Ducey and Mike Pence (AUDIO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jordan Conradson