Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of “Resisting Oppression”

Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of “Resisting Oppression”

Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of “Resisting Oppression”

The radical left has made its agenda crystal clear when it comes to education – if the classroom isn’t being used to groom children with Marxist sexual ideology, it is used as a breeding ground to train radical, obedient activists that can be used as foot soldiers.

Even Biden is wielding the full power of the executive branch to ram through this radical agenda in schools.

Update: Biden Announces Sweeping Executive Order to Advance Radical “LGBTQI+” Agenda In Schools – New EO Bans “Conversion Therapy,” Which Now Includes ‘Suggesting’ That a Child Should Not Undergo Medical Transition

To put it simply education is no longer education, it’s indoctrination.

This has long been the case on college campuses across the country, which have spearheaded the progressive movement and caused it to permeate throughout other American institutions, including down to K-12 schools.

However, one high school in Boston may have just taken the cake for the most radical form of indoctrination to date. Classroom materials from Charlestown High School’s “Sheltered English Immersion” (SEI) learning program surfaced this week showing the school is teaching foreign-born 9th- and 10th-grade students that political violence and assassination are legitimate forms of action, as part of the process of learning English.

According to The Epoch Times, which found the downloadable documents on the Boston Teacher’s Union (BTU) website, the discovery has sparked fears that some teachers are “indoctrinating these [newly-arrived, foreign-born] children to incite violence” whenever there is “perceived” oppression.

The “classroom files” of three of Charleston’s SEI teachers – Katie Li, Caitlyn Castillejo, and Caroline Smith – include “notes and assignments around oppression, resistance, and narrative structure,” as well as many “detailed note-taking sheets and powerpoints on institutional, interpersonal, and internalized oppression” – all of which can be downloaded from BTU’s website here.

As an example of what is included in the course, BTU provides a worksheet, titled “Forms of Resistance,” which instructs students to list and identify several different examples of oppression. Towards the end, it lists out several examples of what’s referred to as “peaceful protest,” including boycotts, sit-ins, and petitions – which are all legitimate forms of public demonstration. However, the list continues – without skipping a beat – by showing the student three images that portray extreme violence that’s quite similar to what we saw during the summer of George Floyd riots.

Displayed under “peaceful protests,” the first image shows a crowd of black-clad masked protestors rioting and throwing projectiles. One rioter even appears to be throwing a lit flare (arson). The second image shows two people brawling with each other. Finally, the last example of peaceful protest – political assassinations. As shown to the students by way of an image of President Richard Nixon targeted in the crosshairs.

The question for students asks: “what type of oppression is [political assassination] most effective at ending?”

Can they make it any clearer?

And sure enough, one example of oppression on the worksheet uses President Donald Trump as the purported oppressor against Latin Americans because of his wall. This stuff is pure evil. Especially considering that this radical garbage is being taught to foreign-born students who arrived in the US recently – many of which have come through Joe Biden’s wide-open southern border or through ‘refugee’ resettlement programs under the Biden regime.

According to its website, Charleston’s English language program services new arrivals from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and even China.

In other words – according to the sheet, Trump is an oppressor to the majority of these people. On the flip side, they are being instructed to fight, riot, burn, and kill their oppressors.

From The Epoch Times:

“A worksheet titled “Forms of Resistance” is included as an example of what’s taught in the course.

The first page of the worksheet identifies three types of oppression as ‘Instituional [sic],’ ‘Interpresonal [sic],’ and ‘Internalized,’ and then lists examples of each.

One example of oppression at the institutional level was identified as, ‘Trump builds a wall on the border so it is harder for Latinos to enter the US.’ At the interpersonal level, an example was, ‘A husband tells his wife she must stay home to cook and clean.’ An example of oppression at the internalized level included, ‘An Asian girl hates her eyes, she thinks she is ugly so she gets surgery to change them.’

Students were next asked to ‘list different forms of resistance for each level of oppression.’

The following pages of the worksheet with the heading ‘Forms of Resistance Notes’ contained 11 rows identifying 11 types of resistance that could be employed to end certain forms of oppression…

Alongside peaceful protest methods such as boycotts, sit-ins, and petitions, the worksheet also contains three images are appear to portray violent forms of revolt: riots, shown by masked protestors wearing all black throwing projectiles including what appears to be a flare; fights, depicted by a cartoon image of two people brawling; and political assassinations, shown by an image of President Richard Nixon as a target of crosshairs.”

The materials have sparked mass outrage among parents and advocacy groups across the country, with many prominent voices coming out to condemn the overtly destructive content. Alex Newman, the executive director of “Public School Exit”, spoke with The Epoch Times about how the material has been meticulously designed to manipulate children into believing they are “victims of oppression” while simultaneously convincing them that they need to “overthrow” their alleged oppressors.

And once you take it to where these radicals have, you enter very dangerous territory, according to Newman.

From The Epoch Times:

Newman said that ‘when children are being encouraged to view assassination as a legitimate form of resistance, we’ve entered into some very, very dangerous territory.’

‘The blatant encouragement of assassination as a tactic of resistance to oppression is how this image needs to be understood,’ he added.

Images like this, he said, are ‘paving the way to more widespread violence in society,’ adding that ‘there are very, very powerful forces that want to see America break out into some very significant violence.’

‘In America, there’s a centuries-old tradition of tolerance for peaceful protest, for peaceful assembly, [and] for peaceful seeking of redress of grievances that’s being lost,” Newman said. Instead, he said, “A lot of these children are being indoctrinated to believe that the alleged oppression they are facing is so severe that violent rebellion is not only justified, but necessary.’”

While there is no doubt that these radical materials are dangerous and completely inappropriate, there is a legitimate argument to be made that distributing them should amount to a serious crime – incitement of violence.

According to Liberty Counsel senior attorney Daniel Schmid, that’s exactly the case here. And, these teachers need to be held accountable for it, he explained to The Epoch Times.

From Schmid:

“Encouraging people to commit an act of violence against political leaders, that’s not protected speech.

Assassinating a political leader and committing acts of violence is not to be celebrated and encouraged. It’s a crime and it ought to be punished as so.”

It’s a felony to encourage people to commit an act of violence. And these teachers should be held accountable.”

The post Under the Guise of ‘Learning English,’ Boston High School Teaches Newly-Immigrated Students That Physical Violence and Political Assassinations Are a Legitimate Form of “Resisting Oppression” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Julian Conradson