Figures. US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags

Figures. US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags

Figures. US Chamber of Commerce Handed Out “Made in China” Goodies in their Summit of the Americas Swag Bags

China goodies in Chamber of Commerce swag bags (SCMP)

Is this a surprise?
The anti-Trump Chamber of Commerce included goodies from China in the swag bags they handed out at the Summit of the Americas CEO Summit earlier this week.

My, how times have changed since Trump was in charge.

The South China Morning Post reported:
Washington Examiner reported:

The swag bag dished out by the American Chamber of Commerce to promote US industry at an international summit isn’t quite on message – with some gifts bearing the slogan “Made in China”.

Delegates and hangers-on at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this week are being plied with all manner of freebies and samples from various groups wanting to push their agenda.

A sideline gathering dubbed the “CEO Summit” has seen the great and the good from industry and politics mount the stage to talk about how business can help to boost development in impoverished parts of Central and South America.

Attendees, who have included Google boss Sundar Pichai, US President Joe Biden and Meta number three Nick Clegg, have been able to avail themselves of a blue bag of goodies provided by hosts the American Chamber of Commerce.

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Author: Jim Hoft