
WATCH: Maricopa County RINO Election Official Stephen Richer Declares His Support for Biden in 2024

WATCH: Maricopa County RINO Election Official Stephen Richer Declares His Support for Biden in 2024

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, one of the most hated so-called Republicans in the state of Arizona, revealed on Monday that he will vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

Richer came under fire after running in 2020 and telling voters during campaign stops and stump speeches that his predecessor, former Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes, was a “criminal” and that election laws weren’t being followed. However, he vigorously against an audit of the 2020 Presidential Election and various other election integrity efforts.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Stephen Richer was even exposed by his former colleague, Steve Chucri, for not trusting Dominion enough to be used in another election.

Richer later saw early voting in Maricopa County during the 2022 election, where the race was stolen from Kari Lake through vote tabulating machine failures that disenfranchised Republicans on election day and phony mail-in ballots with no real signature verification. He’s even gone so far in defending the rigged elections that he sued Kari Lake for defamation after she spoke out against him and the election!

It should also be remembered that Richer oversaw early voting in Lake’s stolen 2022 election for governor and founded and operated the Pro-Democracy Republicans dark money PAC aimed at eliminating candidates with a MAGA agenda, and he admits to voting for Democrats last election cycle. 

In the interview below, Stephen Richer tells an Arizona reporter that he is voting for Joe Biden and his failed policies in 2024. Although Richer claims he voted for President Trump in 2020, it’s unclear if he’s telling the truth.

Clearly, Richer hates Trump so much that he is willing to vote for Arizona’s southern border to remain wide open, for rampant crime, and for inflation to remain high in Phoenix, one of the hardest hit cities by Bidenomics.

It would make sense that Richer is in bed with the Biden Regime, given his history of contacting federal agencies and social media companies to censor conservatives and The Gateway Pundit’s reporting.

Also, recall The Gateway Pundit’s recent reporting on a 2021 op-ed that Richer submitted to the National Review Magazine, where he reveals that he believes the First Amendment is “the biggest threat to elections and Democracy,” that his constituents are “idiots” and that “it may be time to revisit our First Amendment jurisprudence.” Jack Butler, editor of The National Review, rejected the draft op-ed, citing Richer’s attack on freedom of speech; however, Richer apparently gave a similarly written speech, ironically in commemoration of Constitution Day, to students of the Maricopa County Community College District, which was approved by the district beforehand.

Arizona State Representative and Richer’s primary challenger Justin Heap posted the clip on X with the following message:

Heap: The current Maricopa County Recorder is a Republican who admitted yesterday that he is going to vote for Joe Biden in the 2024 Presidential Election

 It is time to replace the current Recorder in the upcoming Republican Primary in July!  I am the only Maricopa County Recorder candidate with a proven Conservative record:

100% Free Enterprise Club Rating

Sponsored HCR to return to Precinct Voting 

Sponsored HCR to exit the ERIC system

Sponsored HCR to enshrine Citizenship Voting in the Arizona Constitution

Sponsored or cosponsored nearly 50 Election Integrity Bills

Vote JUSTIN HEAP this July 30th to restore sanity to the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office! Donate at JustinHeap.com

Justin Heap sits on the House Elections Committee and is tied for first place on the Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s legislative scorecard, voting for the conservative agenda 100% of the time and sponsoring or cosponsoring over 30 election integrity bills.

He is also the only serious candidate challenging Richer in the primary.

Arizona talk show host Garret Lewis chimed in on Richer’s despicable statement, adding, “He doesn’t even try to hide it.”

“Is he this confident where he just admits this because maybe, just maybe, he thinks that he has this election in the bag no matter what?” asks Lewis. After all, he is overseeing mail-in voting this election in Arizona’s largest county, which holds over 60% of the votes. What does this mean for Richer’s preferred candidate, Joe Biden?

More from Lewis:

Lewis: Stephen Richer, the RINO Maricopa County Recorder, asked a very simple question; he was asked “who are you going to vote for for President?” What do you think his answer is?

Really? Doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s going to vote for Joe Biden for President. So, Stephen Richer is all about high inflation, open borders, world on fire. Good to know. It’s as if Stephen is screaming, “Don’t vote for me! Please, don’t vote for me!” Or is he this confident where he just admits this because maybe, just maybe, he thinks that he has this election in the bag no matter what?

The post WATCH: Maricopa County RINO Election Official Stephen Richer Declares His Support for Biden in 2024 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jordan Conradson