
BREAKING: Sharp-shooters Reportedly Stationed Inside U of M Graduation, As Police Remove Pro-Palestine/Hamas Protesters and Students Shout Them Down, “Shut the f**k up!—-Shut the f**k up!” [VIDEO]

BREAKING: Sharp-shooters Reportedly Stationed Inside U of M Graduation, As Police Remove Pro-Palestine/Hamas Protesters and Students Shout Them Down, “Shut the f**k up!—-Shut the f**k up!” [VIDEO]

Over 15% of the undergrad population at the far-left University of Michigan is Jewish. The two largest donors to the University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross and Ron Weiser are Jewish. So what did the University of Michigan do to protect their students, most of whom didn’t have a graduation ceremony because of ridiculous COVID lockdowns, and their families, many of whom traveled from other states, to ensure they all could enjoy a peaceful and celebratory atmosphere for their graduation ceremony today.

Unfortunately, not much, it appears…

AP photo

Last night, as they prepared to destroy the graduation experience for tens of thousands of students at the “Ivy of the Midwest,” pro-Palestine/Hamas protesters were seen hoisting a MI State Police bike into the air as they surrounded the police officers trying to keep the unruly mob under control. An Al Jazeera-affiliated Twitter account did what Palestinian/Hamas propagandists do best: they turned police trying to get the angry mob under control into a lie created to evoke emotions and gain sympathy for their “Hate America” and “Hate Jews” movement that’s sweeping across colleges and universities.

American police assaulted pro-Gaza demonstrators in front of the University of Michigan Art Museum, protesters were arrested outside the art museum on the campus of the University of Michigan.

As graduates of the University of Michigan and their families entered the stadium where their commencement ceremony would be held, a banner attached to a plane was flying overhead that read:

“We stand with Israel—Jewish Lives Matter.”

It didn’t take long for the selfish and disrespectful pro-Palestine/Hamas protesters, who’ve been making Jewish students afraid to walk through campus since the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, to disrupt the ceremony for tens of thousands of students. The pro-Palestine/Hamas mob, many of whom wore masks over their faces, attempted, once again, to become the center of attention and ruin the day for so many young adults who have worked incredibly hard to get to this special day of recognition.

Students standing nearby can be heard drowning out the protesters by shouting, “Shut the f**k up–Shut the f**k up!”
as pro-Palestine/Hamas protesters threatened everyone in the stadium by shouting, “We will not stop—we will not rest!”


Imagine how it must feel to be a young Jewish student who is forced to walk through these protesters, many of whom are fellow students they sit next to in class, who are either fueled by their hatred for Jews or have no idea what they’re protesting, as they spew their hatred for Jews and call for the extermination of the Jewish state of Israel.

The University of Michigan heralded as the Ivy of the Midwest, is among the largest and most prestigious public universities to have effectively ceded control of its campus to an increasingly menacing mob.  Demonstrators there, as at Columbia, NYU and other colleges, have set up a tent encampment on the Diag, the central intersection of the Ann Arbor campus.

A “surveillance network” that exposes antisemitism on social media shared images of propaganda that are reportedly being shared on the campus of the Univerisity of Michigan:

Only last month, following a blanket death threat to Israel-supporting students on campus and the defacement of the local Hillel chapter with swastikas, protestors disrupted and shut down the spring Honors convocation ceremony.  Now facing rising tensions on campus and trying to head off the cancellation of the May 4 commencement in its iconic Big House stadium, UM just released its commencement policy:

“The University of Michigan does not attempt to prevent peaceful protests or other speech protected under the First Amendment. Many ceremonies will have a designated area for protests outside the venue.
Our goal is to limit substantial disruption, ensure safety, and support a successful and celebratory event worthy of the achievements of our extraordinary graduates.”

After an initial wave of disruptive demonstrations and subsequent abrupt termination of the honors convocation, the UM administration disclosed that it was considering a “disruptive activity” policy that provided for the suspension and expulsion of students, which was found to violate the policy. UM’s leadership has yet to move forward with implementing any visible, substantive changes.

“We all must understand that, while protest is valued and protected, disruptions are not,” UM President Santo Ono wrote in a letter to the community following the shutdown of the honors convocation. “One group’s right to protest does not supersede the right of others to participate in a joyous event.”

“It was painful for everyone who had gathered, and especially so for members of our Jewish community,” Ono added.
There is no doubt a growing climate of fear for Jewish students on campus.  Many news accounts have detailed the intimidation, harassment, and violent rhetoric spiraling out of control at UM.  Just this year alone, two federal complaints have been filed against UM for violating the civil rights of Jewish students under Title VI protections. The Anti-Defamation League gave the university a failing grade for its unwillingness to enforce policy safeguarding the security and well-being of Jewish students on campus and in the classroom.

No Arrests For Hateful Hamamy…

Salma Hamamy, a senior and president of SAFE (Students Allied for Freedom & Equality, an offshoot of SJP – Students for Justice in Palestine) posted on her Instagram (which has since been deleted), “Until my last breath, I will utter death to every single individual who supports the Zionist State, Death and more. Death and worse.”

Hamamy appears to have deleted her post, but a post showing her leading students in a chant demanding the University of Michigan divest from Israel can be seen here, as the students shout at President Santa Ono:


According to a top official at U of M, Salma Hamamy has not been investigated for hate crimes by the FBI. The university has not revoked the radical student’s Martin Luther King award, and she is still enrolled as a student at U of M. To date, Ms. Hamamy has not been arrested for hate speech. 

“Ono, Ono, you can’t hide! You are funding genocide!” the protesters chant as they fill the hallways of a University of Michigan building.

The University of Michigan website addressed the graduation ceremony, claiming it would respect the right of free speech for peaceful protesters.

Commencement ceremonies have been the site of free expression and peaceful protest for decades and will likely continue to be. The University of Michigan does not attempt to prevent peaceful protests or other speech protected under the First Amendment. Many ceremonies will have a designated area for protests outside the venue.

Our goal is to limit substantial disruption, ensure safety, and support a successful and celebratory event worthy of the achievements of our extraordinary graduates.

Commencement for schools, colleges, departments, and cultural celebrations will include:

Security screening
Required ticket or registration at the vast majority of events
Prohibition of banners, flags and anything that obstructs sightlines
Staffers who will respond to disruptions, beginning with warnings and requests to respect the importance of the celebrations for our graduates and their families
Please remember: U-M is committed to free speech and freedom of expression. Deans and directors will generally be patient with lawful disruptions. If protests significantly impede the program, leadership will take steps to de-escalate and address the interruption.

The post BREAKING: Sharp-shooters Reportedly Stationed Inside U of M Graduation, As Police Remove Pro-Palestine/Hamas Protesters and Students Shout Them Down, “Shut the f**k up!—-Shut the f**k up!” [VIDEO] appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Patty McMurray