
America’s Hypocrisy as an Authoritarian State Being Exposed as Ukraine Flounders

America’s Hypocrisy as an Authoritarian State Being Exposed as Ukraine Flounders

Even though a growing number of Western elites are awakening to the reality that Ukraine is headed for defeat and will drag NATO along with it, the so-called intellectual cognoscenti of foreign policy, like the editorial board of the NY Times, continue to indulge fantasies and delusions. They conclude a Sunday editorial pleading for more money for Zelensky and the losing cause with this:

Mr. Trump and his followers may argue that the security of Ukraine, or even of Europe, is not America’s business. But the consequence of allowing a Russian victory in Ukraine is a world in which authoritarian strongmen feel free to crush dissent or seize territory with impunity. That is a threat to the security of America, and the world.

The Washington and New York establishments continue to insist that Vladimir Putin is an “authoritarian strongman.” I have one word of advice — look in the damn mirror and pay attention to what is happening in the United States before you mount your moral high horse and gallop off to lecture other countries on democracy and human rights.

When I read the penultimate sentence in the paragraph above I asked myself the question, “How many political prisoners are there in Russia?” I was not surprised by the answer.

“For political prisoners, the situation is often worse, because the state aims to additionally punish them, or additionally isolate them from the world, or do everything to break their spirit,” Vaypan said. His group counts 680 political prisoners in Russia.

Guess what? The United States has prosecuted (and persecuted) twice as many political prisoners than Russia.

In the three years since the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol, federal prosecutors have charged more than 1,265 defendants across nearly all 50 states and D.C. and secured sentences of incarceration for more than 460 people, according to newly released numbers from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C.

In remarks Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland described the Justice Department’s sprawling probe of the Capitol attack as “one of the largest and most complex and resource-intensive investigations in our history.”

None of these numbers capture the lawfare assault on former President Trump and many of the people who served in key positions during his administration. The Biden Administration routinely chastises many other countries — most recently India — for prosecuting political opponents. Talk about lack of self-awareness and irony.

So spare me the nonsense about Russia being a soul crushing attack on personal liberty while claiming the United States is the bastion of freedom and justice. It is a lie. And I say that without delving into the Federal Government’s collaboration with social media to attack conservatives and censor articles and persons who are not in line with Biden’s woke agenda, as thoroughly documented by the reporting of Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi. Then there is the proven case of the Biden Administration’s attack on scientists and physicians who challenged the specious CDC claims and remedies for COVID is just another glaring example of the putrid authoritarianism emanating from Washington, DC.

Here is part two of my discussion with Nima. We focus on the implications for NATO and Secretary of State Blinken’s crazy claim that Ukraine will get to join the NATO club.


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Author: Larry Johnson