
WAYNE ROOT: The Questions that Win 2024 Election for President Donald J. Trump

WAYNE ROOT: The Questions that Win 2024 Election for President Donald J. Trump

By Wayne Allyn Root

I suggest President Trump and the GOP build the coming election around these questions. There is no “extremism” or “right wing” or “white supremacy” or “radical” or “controversial” or “unpopular” here.

The American people are overwhelmingly behind us on every one of these issues. Start throwing these questions at them to wake the sleeping giant.

If the majority of voters agrees with us on these questions, we win a resounding landslide…

Do you support open borders and the foreign illegal alien invasion of America? Democrats do.

Do you think 10 to 20 million illegal aliens being welcomed into our country over the past 3 1/2 years of Joe Biden is a good thing? Democrats do.

Do you think illegal alien lawbreakers should be treated better than American citizens? Democrats think so.

Do you think illegal aliens should be treated better than military vets? Democrats think so.

Do you think millions of illegal aliens (with no background checks) should be shipped to your neighborhood and your children’s school? Democrats think so.

Are you afraid vicious terrorists are being welcomed into our country? Are you worried about terror attacks? Democrats couldn’t care less.

Do you think our government adding half a trillion dollars a year to our national debt to support illegal aliens is a good thing? Democrats think so.

Do you think illegal aliens who commit violent crimes should be deported? Democrats don’t.

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to serve as police officers? Democrats do.

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to vote and cancel out your vote? Democrats do.

Do you think US businesses should be fined, or put out of business, for daring to ask employees if they are legal citizens? Democrats think so.

Are you willing to pay dramatically higher taxes to pay for millions of illegal aliens and their welfare and free healthcare and a hundred other government handouts? Democrats think you should.

Do you think illegal aliens should get free healthcare while you pay full price for everything? Democrats think so.

Do you want to be forced by government to rent a spare bedroom in your home to an illegal alien family? Democrats think so.

Do you want your children to be encouraged at school to change their gender, or to become cross-dressers? Democrats do.

Do you think children should be able to change their gender without parental consent, under the age of 18? Democrats think so.

Do you want your daughter alone in a bathroom, or locker-room with boys, or grown men pretending to be women? Democrats think it’s just fine.

Do you think your taxpayer dollars should be spent on sex change operations in the military, or in prisons? Democrats think so.

Do you think colleges should be allowed to determine admissions by discriminating against white students? Do you think that’s fair? Democrats do.

Do you think your children should be taught in college that white people are bad and the history of America is evil? Democrats do.

Do you think American corporations should discriminate in hiring against white employees? Democrats do.

Do you believe the US Constitution and the First Amendment protecting your right to free speech is a bad thing? Democrats think free speech should be limited, banned, or censored.

When Trump was president inflation was close to 0. Do you like the inflation under Joe Biden? Do you want to pay dramatically higher prices for everything? Democrats think you should.

Do you like your electric bill…gas bill at your home…fuel bill for your cars under Joe Biden? Are you willing to pay even more in the name of green energy? Democrats think you should.

Do you think PTA parents should be arrested by the FBI? Democrats think so.

Do you think Catholic churchgoers should be spied on and persecuted by the FBI? Democrats think so.

Do you think someone who loves America and wants to always put “America first” is a “domestic terrorist?” Democrats think so.

Even if you support a woman’s right to choose, do you believe Pro Life peaceful protestors singing bible verses and praying in front of abortion clinics are serious criminals who should face a decade in prison? Democrats think so.

Even if you support choice, do you believe a baby should be killed up until the moment of birth, or after birth? Democrats think so.

Do you support our national debt of $34 trillion, and growing by $1 trillion every 90 days? Democrats couldn’t care less.

Do you want to pay dramatically higher taxes if Biden is re-elected? Democrats already have trillions in new taxes in writing for the day after Biden wins.

Do you agree squatters have rights to your home and if you change the locks, you should be arrested? Democrats think so.

Do you want government to ever again force you (against your will) to take an experimental vaccine with dangerous and deadly side effects? Democrats think so.

Do you trust everything your government tells you? Democrats think you should.

Do you want your precious children fighting WW3 soon over Ukraine? Democrats want it.

Do you want China owning vast amounts of farmland on US soil? Do you trust China? Democrats are owned by China.

Do you support the arrest of store owners, or store employees for trying to stop shoplifters from stealing on their property? Democrats do.

Do you want to defund the police? Democrats do.

Do you feel safe knowing liberal DA’s all over America let murderers, rapists & violent criminals out with “no bail” within hours of committing their crimes? Democrats support it.

If you answered “NO” to any, or all of these questions, you cannot vote Democrat because Democrats support every one of these terrible, horrible, awful, reckless, dangerous, insane, anti-American ideas.

As a matter of fact, this is the Democrat agenda.

Trump and the GOP needs to start asking Americans these questions 24/7 until the election.

BREAKING NEWS: Watch Wayne’s brand new nightly TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, or watch at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, or Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: The Questions that Win 2024 Election for President Donald J. Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Assistant Editor