Schumer vows to keep working on border talks

Schumer vows to keep working on border talks

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday reiterated his support for a deal that would pair border policy changes with Ukraine aid, stressed Senate negotiators will need more time to reach agreement on a package.

“It’s going to take more time,” Schumer said Tuesday on the floor. “But no matter how long it takes we must succeed.”

His comments echo those made in recent days by New York Democrat, after negotiations among senators prompted a postponement of the chamber’s scheduled holiday recess — while failing, so far, to yield a framework for a deal.

The Senate leader emphasized that his chamber, despite attendance challenges, would clear pending nominations, military promotions and a short-term reauthorization for Federal Aviation Authority before leaving town for the holidays.

“We’ll not leave town until every last one of these delayed nominees is confirmed,” he vowed.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell nodded to the ongoing challenges of reaching compromise, despite several weeks of intense negotiations, during his own opening remarks.

“They’re chipping away at years of failure to enact basic, common-sense border security policy,” he said. “Reaching an agreement that can pass Congress and become law is easier said than done.”

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