Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border by the Mexican Drug Cartels

Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border by the Mexican Drug Cartels

Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border by the Mexican Drug Cartels

Photo: Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared an “invasion” at the southern border, attributing it to the Mexican drug cartels. This declaration comes as Governor Abbott takes a firm stance against the escalating security crisis and the influx of criminal activities from across the border.

“I officially declared an invasion at our border because of Biden’s policies. We deployed the Texas National Guard, DPS & local law enforcement. We are building a border wall, razor wire & marine barriers. We are also repelling migrants,” Governor Abbott announced in a post on Thursday.

“Texas will continue to install more razor wire and fortify the border against illegal crossings. We will not back down,” said Abbott in another X post after the Biden regime cut the razor wires installed.

On Wednesday, the Biden regime cut the razor wires installed, “opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants.”

According to data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the number of illegal immigrants apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border has surged since President Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021. In fiscal year 2021, CBP apprehended 1.73 million people at the southwest border, the highest number since 2006. Even more alarmingly, in fiscal year 2022, CBP apprehended 2.38 million people at the southwest border, marking the highest number since 1993. For the year 2023, CBP apprehended 1.97 million so far.

Governor Abbott didn’t just make a public declaration; he backed it up with a strongly-worded letter sent to Joe Biden, U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas on November 16, 2022.

The letter pulls no punches, accusing the Biden regime of violating the U.S. Constitution by failing to protect the States against invasion, as promised in Article IV, § 4.

The Governor’s letter states, “The federal government’s failure has forced me to invoke Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, thereby enabling the State of Texas to protect its own territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels.”

Abbott’s letter paints a grim picture of the situation in Texas, highlighting the devastating impact of the border crisis on local communities.

“Ranches are being ripped apart, and homes are vulnerable to intrusion. Our border communities are regularly disrupted by human traffickers and bailouts. Deadly fentanyl is crossing the porous border to such a degree that it is now the leading cause of death for citizens between the ages of 18 and 45,” the letter reads.

The Governor’s letter also serves as a legal manifesto, outlining the constitutional basis for Texas to take matters into its own hands. Citing Article I, § 10, Clause 3, Abbott declares that Texas will “escalate our efforts to repel and turn back any immigrant who seeks to enter our State at a border crossing that Congress has designated as illegal; to return to the border those who do cross illegally; and to arrest criminals who violate Texas law.”

“We are refusing to let them in and sending them back,” said Abbott.

The Governor’s letter concludes with a scathing critique of the Biden regime’s inaction, stating, “Your open-border policies, which have catalyzed an unprecedented crisis of illegal immigration, are the sole cause of Texas having to invoke our constitutional authority to defend ourselves.”

Elon Musk applauded the decision by Abbott to declare an invasion of Texas, saying, “No other choice. The influx is so gigantic that it is overwhelming even major cities like New York.”

These illegal immigrants are invading our country and benefiting from our taxpayers’ money.

Todd Bensman, the Center’s Texas-based Senior National Security Fellow, has reported that the Biden regime is allocating a staggering $2,200 “per month” to illegal immigrant families (1 parent & 1 child) through phony asylum for the cost of living expenses. This comes at a time when the average American on Social Security receives just $1,400 per month and Maui survivors with only $700.

Bensman said that it appears these illegal immigrants may not be subjected to asylum interviews anymore. They are being released to the United States.

According to a video interview with an anonymous Border Patrol Agent, illegal immigrants are “double dipping” the system. One parent and one child receive $2,200 per month, and then a separate parent and child—often from the same family—receive another $2,200 per month. This amounts to a whopping $4,400 per month for some immigrant families, a figure that exceeds what many working Americans earn.

This information supports the claims made by the legal immigration group ‘ALIPAC.’

“The Biden-Harris administration is giving more money to illegal immigrant invaders, than to our own U.S. citizens” William Gheen, president of ALIPAC told KTRH, “Once a person understands that, then that person will always be on our side of the illegal immigration debate, which is very simple. Keep them all out, send them all home.”

It doesn’t stop at checks. These illegal immigrants are also given housing, food, free medical services, and even a ticket to a destination of their choice within the United States, according to the Border Patrol Agent.

He continued, “They used to do the monitors on the ankles, and those were being cut off. So now they give them phones.”

The Border Patrol Agent further added that cartels play a significant role in prepping the illegal immigrants before they cross the border.

“Cartel tells them everything. Word of mouth. These guys know everything that we do. It’s just the way it is,” the agent revealed.

This information suggests that illegal immigrants are incredibly well-informed about U.S. immigration procedures, including what to say when seeking asylum.

Not only are these individuals being coached on what to say to claim asylum, but they’re also arriving with all necessary documents, like birth certificates pre-printed by their home governments, according to Bensman.

Under the Biden regime, homeless veterans and Americans were left on the street. Senior citizens only received $1,400/month in Social Security payments, and Maui survivors only got $700. This should piss every American off.

WATCH via Todd Bensman:

The post Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border by the Mexican Drug Cartels appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Jim Hᴏft