Jonathan Turley: Congress Obligated to Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry (VIDEO)

Jonathan Turley: Congress Obligated to Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry (VIDEO)

Jonathan Turley: Congress Obligated to Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry (VIDEO)

Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley said Congress is obligated to launch in an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden after he ‘clearly lied’ about his involvement in Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently floated launching an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden.

Joe Biden lied about his involvement in his son Hunter’s international shakedowns.

Senator Chuck Grassley released an FBI document showing Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with a Ukrainian oligarch.

Grassley on Thursday released the FBI document showing Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky.

The FD-1023 form alleged then-Vice President Joe Biden FORCED Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oligarch, to pay himself and his son Hunter Biden a total of $10 million.

According to the document, Biden’s bribery arrangement was described as “poluchili,” which is Russian crime slang for being “forced or coerced to pay.”

Hunter Biden this week admitted under oath he earned money from China, contradicting Joe Biden’s previous claims.

“I started a company called Hudson West, your Honor, and my partner was associated with a Chinese energy company called CEFC,” Hunter Biden told the court, according to transcript obtained by Fox News.

During the 2020 presidential debates, Joe Biden absurdly claimed his son Hunter has not made any money from China.

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about China,” Joe Biden said.

Joe Biden was also involved in Hunter Biden’s business with CEFC.

Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, recounted a time where Joe Biden walked into a meeting with CEFC officials at a Four Seasons.

“Walker went on to describe an instance in which the former Vice President showed up at a CEFC meeting. Walker said: “We were at the Four Seasons and we were having lunch and he stopped in, just said hello to everybody. I don’t even think he drank water. I think Hunter Biden said, ‘I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys and could you?’ And I think he was like, if I’m around and he’d show up,” Shapley told lawmakers, citing his conversation with Rob Walker.


IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley revealed Hunter Biden demanded payment from his Chinese business associate over WhasApp messenger.

Jonathan Turley said it’s time for the House of Representatives to launch an imepachent inquiry against Biden who has ‘clearly lied for years to the American people.’

“We often talk about the powers of Congress and not its obligations. What is the House supposed to do? You know, you have a president who has clearly lied, lied for years, lied to the American people, lied through his representatives at the White House during his presidency. He obviously did know about these deals. He had involvement with some of these meetings,” Turley said.

Turley added, “There was money that went to China. And then you’ve got IRS agents saying that the fix was in, that this case was actively managed to avoid serious charges for the president’s son. You have millions of dollars moving through a labyrinth of accounts. You have a trusted source saying that there was a bribery allegation. The crime that is the second one mentioned in the impeachment clause.”

“So what are you supposed to do about that? And the answer is you have to investigate. And an impeachment inquiry gives the House that ability. It doesn’t mean they’re going to impeach. It means they’re taking the responsibility seriously no matter what the administration may want out of this. The one thing the House cannot allow is for these questions to go unanswered,” he said.


The post Jonathan Turley: Congress Obligated to Launch Biden Impeachment Inquiry (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Author: Cristina Laila